IT4IT™ Forum Member Meetings
Objective of Meeting
The IT4IT Forum member meetings at this event of The Open Group had the following objectives:
- Inform: present recent work done by the Work Groups and Committees since the last quarterly meeting to the member attendees
- Submit: members presented their proposed topics for inclusion in the next release of the IT4IT Reference Architecture standard for review, comment, and assignment to an owner for completion
- Network: use these face-to-face meetings to introduce members from around the globe to one another to improve productivity and enjoyment of the many future virtual and WebEx meeting interactions that occur for members thereafter every quarter
- Improve: collect from member attendees any suggestions for improvement or requests for changes or additions to the IT4IT Standard or to the Forum way of working
The IT4IT Forum ran its member meetings across three days of The Open Group event in Dublin:
- Monday, April 29, 2:00 to 5:30 pm
- Wednesday, May 1, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
- Thursday, May 2, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
During those sessions the members present presented and vetted the current deliverables and next steps for many topics proposed for inclusion in the next version of the IT4IT Reference Architecture Standard. Most were well-known work streams that are coming to a conclusion in time for submission into the next version of the standard. Some were deemed to require more discussion and the Chair of the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Committee took the action to host further discussion sessions on such topics. In addition, the PLM Committee Chair agreed to pursue collecting the remaining proposals for the next version of the IT4IT Standard from member contributors who were not present at these Dublin face-to-face meetings.
The PLM Chair collected 20 proposed topics for inclusion in the next version of the IT4IT Standard.
The Chair of the Interoperability Work Group received positive feedback on his proposal for inter-operability and intra-operability.
The IT4IT Adoption Board received input and guidance from the Forum members on their Marketing proposals, including a selection of an initial target audience for key messaging around the value of the IT4IT Standard, and also received feedback on their proposal for how to make the Training & Certification for the IT4IT standard more valuable to the IT community.
Next Steps
Many existing and some new Work Groups will start the work to complete the 20+ topics in time for readiness review at the next two quarterly events of The Open Group.
The IT4IT Adoption Board will begin working more closely with the IT4IT Forum subject matter experts to produce the content needed to produce proposed Marketing and Certification programs.
- Public view of the Agenda for this IT4IT Forum member meeting
- Public view of the current list of the IT4IT Forum Work Groups and Standing Committees and their Chairs and the IT4IT Forum Officers
- Plenary Report: Managing Digital Value Streams” Track – all of which had content relevant to those interested in applications and use of the IT4IT Reference Architecture Standard
- Presentations and Meeting Minutes from IT4IT Forum Work Group Chairs (IT4IT Forum members only – login required)