Open Process Automation™ Forum Member Meetings
Tuesday, April 30 – Thursday, May 2
Objective of Meeting
The Forum held two and one-half days of member meetings. The objective of the meetings was to advance the work of the Forum, especially those of the Business and the Technology Work Groups. The Enterprise Architecture Work Group also held joint meetings with the Business and Technology Work Groups. The Standards Body Interface Work Group did not meet.
Business Work Group
- Progress the development of a Conformance Certification Program for the initial release of the O-PAS Standard, Version 1.0
- Review and update the Marketing & Outreach plans
- Progress the work on Guide(s) to assist in the implementation and procurement of the O-PAS Standard
Technology Work Group
- With the O-PAS Standard, Version 1.0 published and focused on “interoperability”, the Work Group is moving forward and specifying the scope for Version 2.0 focused on “configuration portability”
- Finalizing plans for the Interoperability Workshop the week of June 10, hosted by ISA at their Raleigh-Durham, NC headquarters
- Review and advance the work of the various Technical Work Group Sub-Committees
Architecture Work Group
- Meet with both the Business and the Technology Work Groups to advance joint and coordinated work on Use-cases and Requirements
- Review the status of the co-ordinated Forum Glossary including the process developed for maintaining currency
Each Forum Work Group held multiple breakout sessions to advance their own work.
Joint Sessions
- The Technology Work Group and Conformance Sub-Committee of the Business Work Group met to advance work on the Conformance Certification program
- The Architecture Work Group met with both the Business and Technology Work Groups to discuss Requirements, Use-cases, and the consolidated Glossary
Business Work Group
- Reviewed and agreed plans for the Marketing & Outreach Strategy for next 9 – 12 months
- Reached agreement on the Conformance Certification Policy in preparation for full Forum and Company Review
- Advanced planning on various Guides
- Developed strategy and approach for Use-cases
Technology Work Group
- Advanced work on the next version of the O-PAS Standard
- Advanced work on moving Version 1.0 of O-PAS from Preliminary to full Standard
- Finalized plans for June Interoperability Workshop
Each Work Group advanced their agendas on various work items on their roadmaps.
Next Steps
- There is a Technical Workshop, hosted by Schneider Electric, at their offices in Vienna, Austria scheduled for May 14 – 15
- There is a Technical Work Group face-to-face meeting, hosted by Siemens, at their offices in Alpharetta (Atlanta), GA, USA scheduled for May 28 – 30
- Weekly WebEx meetings will continue to advance the work of the Forum, its Work Groups, and Sub-Committees
- Plenary Report: Open Process Automation™ Track
- Open Process Automation™ Forum
- The Open Group O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 (Preliminary Standard)
- The Open Process Automation™ Business Guide – Value Proposition and Business Case for the Open Process Automation™ Standard
- Requirements for an Open Process Automation™ Standard