Proceedings Index
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Please note that the presentations referenced in the reports below are freely available only to members of The Open Group and event attendees.
Plenary and Tracks
- Plenary: Architecting Business Transformation
- Plenary: The Boundaryless Organization
- Tracks (Monday, October 19)
- Tracks (Tuesday, October 20)
- Tracks (Wednesday, October 21)
Forum Meetings
- ArchiMate® Forum Members' Meeting
- ArchiMate® Forum CR Resolution Meeting
- Architecture Forum Members' Meeting
- Architecture Forum (Monday, October 19)
- Architecture Forum (Tuesday, October 20)
- Architecture Forum (Wednesday, October 21)
- Healthcare Forum Members' Meeting
- IT4IT™ Forum Members' Meeting
- Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Members' Meeting
- Open Platform 3.0™: Digital Business Strategy and Customer Experience (Open Meeting)
- Open Platform 3.0™: IoT Work Group and O-DEF Project Members' Meeting
- Open Platform 3.0™: Joint Meeting of the Open Platform 3.0™ and IT4IT™ Forums
- Open Platform 3.0™: Joint Meeting of the Open Platform 3.0™ and Security Forums
- Security Forum