About the IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3 Non-Commercial License Agreement
(Applicable to both Version 3.0 and 3.0.1)
The IT4IT Standard, Version 3 Non-Commercial License:
- Is issued free-of-charge to any Corporate, Academic Institution, and Individual using the IT4IT Standard, Version 3 entirely for non-commercial purposes (for example, to develop an IT architecture for use within that organization)
- Is subject to important licensing conditions aimed at maintaining the value of the IT4IT Standard in the market place
- Is a perpetual license; you do not have to apply to renew the license, and, provided you adhere to the licensing conditions, the license will never be revoked
- Covers all full-time employees of the licensing organization; we require a single point of contact to be designated within the licensing organization
This is not a Commercial License. If you wish to use the IT4IT Standard, Version 3 for commercial purposes (for example, to develop an IT architecture, software, or tools for use within another organization or providing IT4IT based consultancy, expertise, or training services), then your organization must have a current IT4IT Standard, Version 3 Annual Commercial License.
Applying for an IT4IT Standard, Version 3 Non-Commercial Licence
- Right-click the following link to download the IT4IT Standard, Version 3 Non-Commercial License [PDF]. This form may be filled by most PDF readers; otherwise, the form may be printed, filled using clear block letters, physically signed, and scanned to PDF format.
- Review the licensing conditions and complete the information in the spaces provided.
- Identify an appropriate authority to sign the license on behalf of the organization, and secure his/her signature on the license. A digital or e-signature is acceptable.
- Provide the additional information requested for a primary contact.
- Email the signed license to legal(at)opengroup.org. Alternately, the signed license may be faxed to +44 870-134-8146.
- The Director, Legal will then countersign the license on behalf of The Open Group and a copy will be emailed to your designated primary contact for your records.
Please Contact us if you have any queries.