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  • Sr. Product Manager, ServiceNow

    Q: How long have you been involved with Forum?  Since inception, 2014

    Q. What do you do, and how long have you been doing it?  At first, learning, now leading

    Q: Why did your organization become a member of the Forum and what does your involvement look like?   We wanted to participate, learn and steer the standards we use.

    Q: How has membership in The Open Group benefited you, your organization and the industry at large?  Greater appreciation for the impact of a common standard

    Q: What contributions do you hope to bring to Forum?  To help it evolve so we and our customers can improve

    Q: Why is it important for other organizations to join The Open Group?  To learn and contribute beyond their current career; collaborate with the brightest minds all trying to improve our profession

    Q: What are your hobbies?  Working our ranch

    Q: What book are you currently reading?  None at the moment

    Q.  What social networks do you belong to?  Mostly LinkedIn groups and The Open Group Forums.
    Mark is currently a Senior Product Manager at ServiceNow responsible for the Application Portfolio Management product and serves as the The Open Group IT4IT™ Adoption Forum Chair.  Mark has leveraged The Open Group IT4IT standard at more than 100 engagements since 2013.  Mark is IT4IT™ certified and has a long history in the Enterprise Architecture practice. Mark is an executive advisor, thought leader and mentor to many in the IT industry. Prior to ServiceNow, Mark worked on cross-portfolio strategies to shape HPE's products and services to include service multi-source service brokering, and IT4IT adoption.