Q: How long have you been involved with The Open Group?
This is my first involvement with The Open Group, but I have known about it for many years through standards like TOGAF®.
Q. What do you do, and how long have you been doing it?
I am a Director with consulting firm, Information Services Group Inc (NASDAQ: III) and I lead the UK Strategy and Operations practice. As a company we advise clients on operating model design in complex multi-sourced environments, which includes SIAM (Service Integration & Management), outsourcing transactions, maturity assessments and benchmarking. Our goal is to help our clients achieve operational excellence.
Q: Why did your organization become a member of The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum and what does your involvement look like?
We joined as a result of our interest in IT4IT, which we see as having huge potential with our clients and which is highly complementary to our existing methods and practices for developing strategies and operating models. Many of the underpinning concepts and philosophies that we have long been championing with our clients are also represented in IT4IT – for example: service-centric; business value driven; end to end service delivery; multi-speed IT; service broker-integrator-orchestrator
Q: How has membership in The Open Group benefited you, your organization and the industry at large?
It is very early days so I can’t really answer that question yet.
Q: What contributions do you hope to bring to The Open Group?
We are looking forward to being able to work on the next iteration of IT4IT, in particular how the guidance on Supporting Activities can be extended, and additional functions that are not yet present in the Reference Architecture.
Q: Why is it important for other organizations to join The Open Group?
There is great value in industry wide sharing of ideas and knowledge, which will lead to better outcomes than silo based development.
Q: What are your hobbies?
Photography, videography, gardening and family life.
Q: What book are you currently reading?
The Phoenix Project
Q. What social networks do you belong to?
Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat
Q: Any last thoughts?
Just looking forward to getting involved.
“Simon is a Director with Information Services Group (ISG) Inc., and specialises in Operating Model Design and Service Integration and Management (SIAM). Simon has in-depth supplier and service management experience gained from nearly 30 years of performing operational roles and consulting assignments in global Fortune 500 companies. Simon has led change and organizational transformation in complex, multi-source environments; negotiation and management of large outsource deals; and operating model assessment, design and implementation.”
September 2016