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Trademark Guidelines

These guidelines are for our members, licensees, third parties, associates, and others who wish to use or reference our trademarks, service marks, logos, images and copyrighted materials on their websites, publications, products, media kits and other formats for similar intentions. However, of themselves, these guidelines do not grant permission to use any trademark.

Our Trademarks

The Open Group trademarks and service marks (“Trademarks”) are valuable assets that The Open Group protects, promotes and polices. We ask that you please help us by following our trademark usage and copyright permissions guidelines and reporting misuse. In most cases, misuse is unintentional and easily corrected by following the guidelines, acquiring the appropriate license, or discontinued use.

The Open Group owns the following Trademarks registered in the United States and other countries:

  • ArchiMate®
  • FACE®
  • FACE® logo
  • Future Airborne Capability Environment®
  • Making Standards Work®
  • Open Footprint®
  • Open O® logo
  • Open O and Check® certification logo
  • Open Subsurface Data Universe®
  • OSDU®
  • SOSA®
  • The Open Group®
  • TOGAF®
  • UNIX®
  • X® logo

The Open Group unregistered Trademarks include:

  • Boundaryless Information Flow™
  • Build with Integrity Buy with Confidence™
  • Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture™
  • Dependability Through Assuredness™
  • Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™
  • DPBoK™
  • EMMM™
  • FHIM Profile Builder™, the FHIM logo, and FPB™
  • IT4IT™ and IT4IT™ logo
  • O-AA™
  • O-DA™
  • O-DEF™
  • O-HERA™
  • O-PAS™
  • O-TTPS™
  • O-VBA™
  • Open Agile Architecture™
  • Open FAIR™
  • Open Process Automation™
  • Open Trusted Technology Provider™
  • Sensor Integration Simplified™
  • Sensor Open Systems Architecture™
  • SOSA™ logo

Authorized use of The Open Group Trademarks

Advertising, Promotional and Sales Materials: Only The Open Group and its authorized licensees may use the Trademarks in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. Such authorized parties may use only the Trademarks specified in their agreements with The Open Group and any associated guidelines and such must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define their relationship authorized by their license agreement with The Open Group.  Some examples covered by our license agreements:

Our Professional Certifications: ArchiMate® 3, ArchiMate® 2, Digital Practitioner, IT4IT™, Open Agile Architecture™, Open CA, Open CDS, Open CTS, Open CTTP, Open FAIR™, TOGAF®, Accredited Training Course Provider, Accredited Training Course Affiliate, and, Accredited Certification Program (ACP) Provider.

Our Product, Tool, and Process Certifications:  ArchiMate®, FACE®, POSIX®, TOGAF®, UNIX®, and certified Open Trusted Technology Provider™. 

Member Organizations:  If you are a member of The Open Group wishing to acknowledge our association, you may use The Open Group Member logo in your website or similar communication media, provided: (a) it is linked to the Site, (b) it is placed amongst other similar partner logos in the partnership/affiliations section (c) it is not placed immediately next to your own logo, and (d) you follow the usage guidelines herein contained. The Open Group Member logo is available upon request at

Editorial or Articles, but not Advertising: The Trademarks may be used without prior permission, provided that the rules in our Usage Guidelines for Our Trademarks herein are followed. In all other cases, obtaining prior permission is required.

Unauthorized Use of The Open Group Trademarks

Company name, Product, Service, or Domain Name:  You may not use or register, in whole or in part, any of The Open Group Trademarks as a company name, trade name, product name, service name or domain name without the express written agreement or trademark license from The Open Group.

Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use The Open Group name in a manner that would imply The Open Group’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, without prior written agreement with The Open Group.

Publications, Seminars and Conferences: You may not use the Trademarks in connection with book titles, white papers, seminars, or conferences unless specifically authorized by The Open Group.

Variations, Takeoffs or Abbreviations: You may not use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of a Trademark of The Open Group for any purpose.

Merchandise Items: You may not manufacture, sell or give away merchandise items such as T-shirts, mugs, license plates, and promotional items bearing any The Open Group Trademark without the express trademark license from The Open Group.

Unlicensed Use:  Use of our Trademarks for commercial purposes, without our prior written consent, may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Examples of these activities are: ArchiMate®, IT4IT™, Open FAIR™ or TOGAF® Training without a commercial license, claiming or implying The Open Group Accreditation or Certification where none has been achieved, and using the Trademarks in providing consultancy, in products, and services. Please contact us about acquiring the appropriate license for commercial use of our Trademarks as well as Certification program compliance assistance.

Usage Guidelines for Our Trademarks

Proper use of the Trademarks reinforces their role as brands and helps prevent them from becoming generic names that can be used by anyone. By adhering to the correct Usage guidelines, you help protect The Open Group investment in its trademarks.

If you have been expressly authorized to use one or more of our Trademarks, under license, please refer to the applicable Trademark License Agreement (TMLA) as there may be specific usage guidelines or restrictions.  If none have been provided, then refer to these general guidelines.

Our Trademarks may not be used: (a) as a generic term, (b) in connection with products or services, unless the product or service is licensed to use the mark, (c) to disparage The Open Group, (d) in any way that causes confusion as to The Open Group sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement, and (e) in connection with or implying certification or accreditation where none exists or has been granted by The Open Group. You also may not imitate The Open Group trade dress, type style, or logo.

Acknowledgement and Attribution

Trademark attribution is important as it reminds competitors, licensees, customers, and others that The Open Group claims exclusive rights in the marks. At the first and most significant use of the Trademark, and in subsequent topics or pages where the trademark would appear independently if separated, please use the appropriate trademark symbol, ™ for an unregistered trademark or ® for a registered trademark, and include an attribution of The Open Group’s ownership of the Trademark at the footnote or credit section of your document, publication, product, or other communication.

The correct formats are:

_________ is a  registered trademark of The Open Group.

_________ is a trademark of The Open Group.

________  is a registered trademark and _________ is a trademark of The Open Group.

Collectively, the format is:

ArchiMate, FACE, FACE logo, Future Airborne Capability Environment, Making Standards Work, Open Footprint, Open O logo, Open O and Check certification logo, Open Subsurface Data Universe, OSDU, SOSA, The Open Group, TOGAF, UNIX, UNIXWARE, and X logo are registered trademarks and Boundaryless Information Flow, Build with Integrity Buy with Confidence, Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture, Dependability Through Assuredness, Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge, DPBoK, EMMM, FHIM Profile Builder, FHIM logo, FPB, IT4IT, IT4IT logo, O-AA, O-DA, O-DEF, O-HERA, O-PAS, O-TTPS, O-VBA, Open Agile Architecture, Open FAIR, Open Process Automation, Open Trusted Technology Provider, Sensor Integration Simplified, Sensor Open Systems Architecture and SOSA logo are trademarks of The Open Group.

It is acceptable to use an asterisk in place of the trademark symbol where the medium used cannot reproduce the ® or ™ symbols. However, this is not intended to authorize use of the asterisk as the norm.

You may translate the trademark attribution to national language(s). Individual trademarks shall be acknowledged. Blanket or generic attributions (such as ‘‘All trademarks are the property of their respective owners’’) are not acceptable.

Rules for Proper Trademark Usage

  1. Trademarks are not nouns and may not be used as a generic term. Trademarks are adjectives used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service. The first time it appears, and as is reasonable after that, the Trademark should be followed by the common generic (the dictionary name) term of the product.

Correct:     The ArchiMate modeling language includes an abstraction ….

                  The TOGAF standard describes an EA framework…

                  A UNIX system is…

                 The IT4IT Reference Architecture includes the IT Value Chain and four value streams...

Incorrect:  ArchiMate includes an abstraction…

                  TOGAF describes an EA framework…

                  UNIX is a …

                  IT4IT includes the IT Value Chain and four value streams...

  1. As adjectives, the Trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.

Correct:     ABC Company and EFG Company use the same UNIX systems

                  The TOGAF documentation is divided into seven parts

                  The Open Group ArchiMate modeling language...

                  The IT4IT documentation makes it clear that it is process agnostic...

Incorrect:   ABC Company and EFG Company use the same UNIXs

                  TOGAF’s documentation is divided into seven parts

                  The Open Group's ArchiMate modeling language...

                  IT4IT's documentation makes it clear that it is process agnostic...

  1. Trademarks are not acronyms; they should not be spelled out, abbreviated, or used by themselves within parentheses or brackets.  Always spell and capitalize the Trademarks exactly as they are shown in our Trademarks list above.  

Correct:     UNIX, TOGAF, ArchiMate, Open Trusted Technology Provider, IT4IT

Incorrect:  Unix, The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), Archimate, It4it

  1. Our Trademarks should not be hyphenated, combined to form a new word, combined with other words.

Correct:     TOGAF Certified, UNIX system-based, PCs to UNIX systems

Incorrect:  TOGAF-Certified, UNIX-based, UNIX-like, PC-to-UNIX, T*9 certification

  1. Detailed guidelines referring to the visual presentation, graphical design, form, and manner of use must be followed. The Trademarks must always be used with white around them and must never be superimposed on or used in association with other graphics or trademarks.
  2. Whenever and wherever the Trademark appears, it must be distinguished from the surrounding text. This applies to all forms of printed and visual media, including advertising copy, product packaging, brochures, manuals, internal memoranda, editorial, articles, correspondence and presentation materials.

Rules for Use of The Open Group Logos and Content

For more questions on the use of The Open Group logos or graphics or The Open Group content, in editorial or articles, please contact

When you use our corporate name, please help us ensure consistent brand image by using it correctly.  Our corporate name, The Open Group, should always include “The”.  All three initial letters should be capitalized. It is not permissible to abbreviate our corporate name into an acronym.

Correct:     The Open Group

Incorrect:  the Open Group and/or TOG