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Add an Integrating Risk and Security course

Instructions meant for training organizations that already have a course accredited by The Open Group and wish to submit a Certification Credential course for authorization. Find out more about the Certification Program Credentials.

1- Course registration

Please complete the registration form.

The Team will help you start the process and share the Legal documents to be signed.

2-  Fees

An request for payment will be sent by our Finance team once the registration form has been received.



Payment Due

Admin Fees US$300

Upon application to authorize a training course - including deck - two (2) years' validity — Candidate Assessment provided by The Open Group


US$ 750

Upon application to authorize a training course - including deck - two (2) years' validity — Candidate Assessment provided by the training organization


US$ 500

Upon application to authorize a training course - including SCORM files package - two (2) years' validity — Candidate Assessment provided by The Open Group included in the SCORM files


The fees do not include the applicable commercial license fees.

3- Course Submission

Upon receipt of the signed legal documents details on how to apply will be made available. Please:

  • Make minimum changes to the Training Course Materials (e.g. use different templates, add a logo).
  • Submit the deck or access to the online materials for validation.
  • Prepare the trainer(s) credentials and information. The Authorized trainers requirements are listed here.

Once your training course is authorized, it will be added to the Accredited Course Register.

For any enquiry, please send an email.