Q: How long have you been involved with The Open Group?
One year. In January 2013 the open Dragon1 EA Method has become recognized as method for The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) program.
Q. What do you do, and how long have you been doing it?
I am the Founder of Dragon1, which is an open method for EA and web-based software platform with tools for Visual Enterprise Architecture. I am a curious person. I always take a good look at nature and science phenomena to find example principles to solve functional issues which one can use in the context of organizations.
The past ten years I have been active in doing large enterprise architecture programs at clients concerning enterprise innovation and enterprise change.
I have a clear mind on how a specific organization at best can adopt to the changing environment and changing needs of clients and employees. My specialties are visualizing architecture and formulating principles in such a way that directors and managers can take strategic decisions with them.
Q: Why did your organization become a member and what does your involvement look like? What forum did your organization join?
ArchiMate® Forum
We became member of The Open Group because we have also developed Dragon1 a web-based software tool for Visual Enterprise Architecture.
We think Dragon1 is of great added value when it is used in addition to TOGAF® and ArchiMate. Dragon1 enables architects to be present in the boardroom and have boardroom members and senior executive managers take visual control over their enterprises innovation and governance.
Q: How has membership in The Open Group benefited you, your organization and the industry at large?
At the moment we benefit from our membership in recognition by the market as a professional organization. In the future we like to share our knowledge about Visual Enterprise Architecture via webinars to all members of The Open Group. So they can experience if Dragon1 can support them in solving business problems and issues for their clients.
Q: What contributions do you hope to bring to The Open Group?
To share ideas, best practices and innovations in working effectively with Visual Enterprise Architecture in organizations.
Q: Why is it important for other organizations to join The Open Group?
It is important to be part of a group of professional organizations with a specialization and focus in architecture. To be valued by the market as a professional organization in architecture.
Q: What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are composing and experimenting with music, running, cycling, and architecture in every field of science.
Q: What book are you currently reading?
None, I am writing my dissertation (PhD-Research) on Architecture Principles
Q. What social networks do you belong to?
I am on LinkedIn to follow developments of my fellow architects worldwide and to make people excited about Enterprise Architecture.
Q: Any last thoughts?
Enterprise Architecture is a useful strategic management instrument in every organization when practiced visual in the right way with Dragon1.
Mark Paauwe is Founder of the open Dragon1 EA Method and CTO of The Dragon1 Software Company and is busy with an ongoing research in Architecture Principles and Architecture Visualizations.
Together with the core Software Perfection Team, Mark develops Dragon1, the web-based platform with tools for Visual Enterprise Architecture.
Mark is always busy with making more people enthusiastic to work with Visual Enterprise Architecture as strategic management instrument. Mark loves sketching principles as the way things work, and projecting that onto an organization in order to improve the way the organization works. Take a look at visual architecture products created with our clients at: www.dragon1.com.