This version of the Standards Information Base is provided as a historical artifact. Status within the Standards Library is now indicated within The Open Group Library on the Standards Information tab within an entry.
The Standards Information Base is structured according to the Service Categories in the TOGAF® Technical Reference Model:
- Data Interchange Services
- Data Management Services
- Graphics and Imaging Services
- International Operation Services
- Location and Directory Services
- Network Services
- Object-Oriented Provision of Services
- Operating System Services
- Security and Risk Services
- Software Engineering Services
- System and Network Management Services
- Transaction Processing Services
- User Interface Services
- Quality of Service
Data Interchange Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
au | 1992 | Audio File Information Format (.au) | The .au (Audio) specification defines a standard audio file format developed by Sun Microsystems that is a common format for sound files on UNIX machines. This format is primarily used for Java programming applications. | Adopted |
C14A | 2017 | Open Data Format (O-DF), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard | The Open Data Format (O-DF), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) standard, represents information about things in a standardized way that can be understood and exchanged by all information systems that manage IoT-related data. In the IoT, information about a product or a “Thing” is often distributed over many different devices, systems, and organizations. The O-DF can be used for publishing the available data using ordinary URL (Uniform Resource Locator) addresses. O-DF structures can also be used for requesting and sending published data between systems, notably when used together with the O-MI standard. | Adopted |
C172 | 2017 | Open Business Data Lake (O-BDL) Conceptual Framework |
This standard is a first step towards a Reference Architecture for an Open Business Data Lake (O-BDL). By describing a set of architectural patterns, key concepts, and other re-usable artifacts, it intends to help organizations leveraging new disruptive "big data" solutions and setting up an associated "data-centric" strategy for an increased performance and competitiveness. The content was initially submitted by Capgemini and then further developed and approved by The Open Group. |
Adopted |
HTML_3.2 | 1997 | HTML 3.2 Reference Specification | The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to construct documents for viewing by World-Wide Web browsers. HTML 3.2 is a specification of HTML issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a W3C Recommendation. HTML 3.2 aims to capture recommended practice as of early 1996, and as such is intended as a replacement for HTML 2.0 (IETF RFC 1866). | Adopted |
HTML_4.0 | 1998 | HTML 4.0 Reference Specification | The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to construct documents for viewing by World-Wide Web browsers. HTML 4.0 supports more multimedia options and better printing than previous versions of HTML, scripting languages, style sheets, and documents that are more accessible to users with disabilities. | Adopted |
ISO_10918-1 | 1994 | Information Technology – Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images: Requirements and Guidelines | ISO/IEC 10918-1 specifies processes for converting source image data to compressed image data, processes for converting compressed image data to reconstructed image data, coded representations for compressed image data, and gives guidance on how to implement these processes in practice. It is applicable to continuous-tone – grayscale or color – digital still image data and to a wide range of applications which require use of compressed images. It is not applicable to bi-level image data. | Adopted |
ISO_10918-2 | 1995 | Information Technology – Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images: Compliance Testing | ISO/IEC 10918-2 specifies normative compliance tests for the ITU-T Recommendation T.81 (ISO/IEC 10981-1) encoding and decoding processes. These compliance tests are applicable to "stand-alone" generic implementations of one or more of the encoding and decoding processes specified in ITU-T Recommendation T.81 (ISO/IEC 10918-1). The purposes of these tests include that generic encoder (and decoder) implementations compute the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and quantization functions with sufficient accuracy. | Adopted |
ISO_10918-3 | 1997 | Information Technology - Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images: Extensions | ISO/IEC 10918-3 specifies extensions to standards for digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images. | Adopted |
ISO_10918-4 | 1999 | Information Technology - Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images: Registration of JPEG Profiles, SPIFF Profiles, SPIFF Tags, SPIFF Color Spaces, APPn Markers, SPIFF Compression Types, and Registration Authorities (REGAUT) | Provides for registration of JPEG profiles, SPIFF profiles, SPIFF tags, SPIFF color spaces, APPN markers, SPIFF compression types, and Registration Authorities (REGAUT). | Adopted |
ISO_13818-1 | 2007 | Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information: Systems | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2007 specifies the system layer of the coding. It was developed principally to support the combination of the video and audio coding methods defined in ISO/IEC 13818-2 and ISO/IEC 13818-3. | Adopted |
ISO_13818-2 | 2000 | Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information: Video | Video part for generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information. | Adopted |
ISO_13818-3 | 1998 | Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information: Audio | Audio part for generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information. | Adopted |
ISO_16262 | 2011 | Information Technology - Programming Languages, their Environments and System Software Interfaces - ECMAScript Language Specification | Defines ECMAScript a general-purpose, cross-platform programming language. | Pending |
ISO_6429 | 1992 | Information Technology - Control Functions for Coded Character Sets | ISO/IEC 6429 includes control functions and their coded representations for a 7-bit code, an extended 7-bit code, an 8-bit code, or an extended 8-bit code if these correspond to ISO/IEC 2022. | Adopted |
ISO_8613 | 1989 | Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format | This standard defines the Office Document Architecture (ODA) document representation and interchange format. | Withdrawn |
ISO_8859-1:1998 | 1998 | Information Technology - 8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Part 1: Latin Alphabet No. 1 | Provides for Latin alphabet graphic character sets. | Adopted |
ISO_8879 | 1986 | Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) | ISO 8879 defines the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a markup language for defining the logical structure of documents. | Adopted |
ISO_9069 | 1988 | Information Processing - SGML Support Facilities - SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF) | ISO 9069 defines SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF). | Adopted |
MIDI_1.0 | 1996 | MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification | This document describes the approved MIDI messages and recommended practices covering MIDI 1.0, General MIDI, Standard MIDI files, MIDI Show Control, MIDI Machine Control, and MIDI Time Code. It is issued by the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA). | Adopted |
1993 | Portable Document Format (PDF) | Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format created by Adobe Systems in 1993 for document exchange. PDF is used for representing two-dimensional documents in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating system. (Now an ISO standard.) | Adopted | |
REC_CSS1 | 2008 | Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1 | This document specifies level 1 of the Cascading Style Sheet mechanism (CSS1). CSS1 is a simple style sheet mechanism that allows authors and readers to attach style (e.g., fonts, colors, and spacing) to HTML documents. The CSS1 language is human-readable and writable, and expresses style in common desktop publishing terminology. | Adopted |
RFC_1945 | 1996 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0 | The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems that has been in use by the World-Wide Web since 1990. It is a generic, stateless, object-oriented protocol, a feature of which is the typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred. RFC 1945 reflects common usage of the protocol referred to as HTTP/1.0. | Adopted |
RFC_2068 | 1997 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1 |
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, object-oriented protocol which can be used for many tasks, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods. HTTP/1.1 includes more stringent requirements than HTTP/1.0 in order to ensure reliable implementation of its features. It is not backwards-compatible with HTTP/1.0. |
Adopted |
RIFF | 1993 | Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) WAV Format | The Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) is a generic meta-format for storing data in tagged chunks. The Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) is a Microsoft and IBM audio file format standard for storing an audio bitstream on PCs. | Adopted |
X98MM | 1998 | Magnetic Media | This Product Standard provides functionality equivalent to the XPG3 Source Code Transfer Product Standard, but with changed or updated media definitions. It represents the ability to read and write magnetic media of specific physical size/shapes and recording format. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
XML Schema Pt. 2 | 2004 | XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition | This is part 2 of the specification of the XML Schema language. It defines facilities for defining datatypes to be used in XML Schemas as well as other XML specifications. The datatype language, which is itself represented in XML 1.0, provides a superset of the capabilities found in XML 1.0 Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for specifying datatypes on elements and attributes. | Adopted |
Graphics and Imaging Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
GIF | 1990 | Graphics Interchange Format, Version 89a | This specification defines the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) – a protocol intended for the online transmission and interchange of raster graphic data in a way that is independent of the hardware used in their creation and display. | Adopted |
ISO_12087-1 | 1995 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Image Processing and Interchange (IPI) - Functional Specification - Part 1: Common Architecture for Imaging | ISO/IEC 12087 is oncerned with the manipulation, processing, and interchange of all types of digital images. It defines a generic, unifying imaging architecture. It also defines those specializations or delineations of the generic imaging architecture that are required to support IPI-PIKS and IPI-IIF. | Adopted |
ISO_12087-2 | 1994 | Information Technology – Computer Graphics and Image Processing – Image Processing and Interchange (IPI) – Functional Specification – Part 2: Programmer's Imaging Kernel System Application Program Interface | ISO/IEC 12087-2 establishes the specification of the application program interface (API), called the Programmer's Imaging Kernel System (PIKS). PIKS is intended to provide a rich set of both low-level and high-level services on image and image-derived data objects. These services can be used as building blocks for a broad range of common imaging applications. Lists are included containing a summary of technological capabilities provided by PIKS and not provided by PIKS. It should be noted that PIKS functionality may be useful as a pre-processor or co-processor for many of the technologies in the "Not provided by PIKS" list. | Adopted |
ISO_14772-1 | 1997 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - The Virtual Reality Modeling Language - Part 1: Functional Specification and UTF-8 Encoding | Defines the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). Originally developed by the VRML Consortium ( | Pending |
ISO_7941 | 1994 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) - Part 1: Functional Description | ISO/IEC 7942-1 cancels and replaces the first edition (1985). It specifies a set of functions for computer graphics programming and the graphical kernel system. It provides functions for two-dimensional graphical output, the storage and dynamic modification of pictures, and operator input. | Adopted |
ISO_8632 | 1999 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information - Part 1: Functional Specification | ISO/IEC 8632-1 defines file formats for storage and transfer of CGM information. | Adopted |
ISO_9592-1 | 1997 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) - Part 1: Functional Description | ISO/IEC 959201 defines the 2-D and 3-D graphics standard for Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS). | Adopted |
ISO_9592-2 | 1997 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) - Part 2: Archive File Format | ISO/IEC 9592-2 defines file formats for storage and transfer of PHIGS information. | Adopted |
ISO_9592-3 | 1997 | Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) - Part 3: Specification for Clear-text Encoding of Archive File | ISO/IEC 9592-3 specifies PHIGS clear-text encoding of archive files. | Adopted |
REC_PNG | 2003 | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification |
This document describes PNG (Portable Network Graphics), an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, well-compressed storage of raster images. PNG provides a patent-free replacement for GIF and can also replace many common uses of TIFF. Indexed-color, grayscale, and truecolor images are supported, plus an optional alpha channel. Sample depths range from 1 to 16 bits. This Recommendation is also ISO/IEC 15948:2003 (E), Information Technology – Computer Graphics and Image Processing – Portable Network Graphics (PNG): Functional Specification. |
Adopted |
International Operation Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C122 | 2012 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 1.0 |
This document is The Open Group Standard for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Reference Architecture, Edition 1.0, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. This document begins with an architectural overview, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment and interface outlining requirements and functions of each component within the reference architecture. FACE-specific terms are outlined in the Glossary. Finally, the appendices provide the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required for the FACE Standard as well as other applicable standards. The goal of FACE is to reduce software development and integration costs and reduce time to field new avionics capabilities. FACE establishes a common computing software infrastructure supporting portable, capability-specific software components across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems. |
Adopted |
C137 | 2014 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 2.0 |
This document is The Open Group Technical Standard for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.0, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. This document begins with an architectural overview, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment, the FACE Data Model, and interfaces outlining requirements and functions of each component within the reference architecture. FACE-specific terms are outlined in the Glossary. Finally, the appendices provide the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required for the FACE Standard as well as other applicable standards. The goal of FACE is to reduce software development and integration costs and reduce time to field new avionics capabilities. FACE establishes a common computing software infrastructure supporting portable, capability-specific software components across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems. |
Adopted |
C13J | 2013 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 1.1 |
Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Reference Architecture, Edition 1.0: Technical Corrigendum 1 (Doc. No. U131) has been published to clarify that non-normative statements containing requirements language are no longer to be considered normative requirements in Edition 1.0 of the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Reference Architecture. Technical Corrigendum 1 ONLY contains the recommended changes to Edition 1.0. An updated Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 1.1 with corrigendum recommendations incorporated has now been published. This document is The Open Group Standard: Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Reference Architecture, Edition 1.1, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. |
Adopted |
C145 | 2014 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 2.1 |
This document is The Open Group Technical Standard for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.1, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. This document begins with an architectural overview, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment, the FACE Data Model, and interfaces outlining requirements and functions of each component within the reference architecture. FACE-specific terms are outlined in the Glossary. Finally, the appendices provide the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required for the FACE Standard as well as other applicable standards. The goal of FACE is to reduce software development and integration costs and reduce time to field new avionics capabilities. FACE establishes a common computing software infrastructure supporting portable, capability-specific software components across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems. |
Adopted |
C175 | 2017 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 2.0.1 |
This document is The Open Group Technical Standard for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.0.1, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. This document begins with an architectural overview, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment, the FACE Data Model, and interfaces outlining requirements and functions of each component within the reference architecture. FACE-specific terms are outlined in the Glossary. Finally, the appendices provide the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required for the FACE Standard as well as other applicable standards. The goal of FACE is to reduce software development and integration costs and reduce time to field new avionics capabilities. FACE establishes a common computing software infrastructure supporting portable, capability-specific software components across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems. Technical Corrigendum U170 is applied. The changes in the corrigendum are a result of correcting/modifying requirements in Edition 2.0. Special care has been taken to verify that the changes in this corrigendum do not contradict requirements in other versions of already published FACE technical standards. |
Adopted |
C176 | 2017 | Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 2.1.1 |
This document is The Open Group Technical Standard for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.1.1, and embodies a set of requirements and descriptions referred to as the FACE Standard. The FACE Standard defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles. FACE uses industry standards for distributed communications, programming languages, graphics, operating systems, and other areas as appropriate. This document begins with an architectural overview, followed by a detailed description of each architectural segment, the FACE Data Model, and interfaces outlining requirements and functions of each component within the reference architecture. FACE-specific terms are outlined in the Glossary. Finally, the appendices provide the specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) required for the FACE Standard as well as other applicable standards. The goal of FACE is to reduce software development and integration costs and reduce time to field new avionics capabilities. FACE establishes a common computing software infrastructure supporting portable, capability-specific software components across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems. Technical Corrigendum U171 is applied. The changes in the corrigendum are a result of correcting/modifying requirements in Edition 2.1. Special care has been taken to verify that the changes in this corrigendum do not contradict requirements in other versions of already published FACE technical standards. |
Adopted |
C501 | 1995 | File System Safe UCS Transformation Format (UTF-8) | This specification addresses the problem of the handling of the Universal Character Set (UCS) defined in ISO/IEC 10646-1 by historical operating systems and utilities. In particular, it defines how data may be represented within the file system by specifying a UCS Transformation Format that is 'file-system-safe' compatible with UNIX systems, and supports multi-lingual text in a single encoding. This Transformation Format was developed by the Joint Internationalization Group (JIG) and subsequently adopted by ISO, under the designation UTF-8, as a normative Annex to ISO/IEC 10646-1. | Adopted |
C616 | 1997 | Portable Layout Services: Context-dependent and Directional Text | This document describes a set of portable functions for handling context-dependent and bidirectional text transformations as a logical extension to the existing POSIX locale model. It is intended for system and application programmers who want to provide support for complex-text languages. | Adopted |
G115 | 2011 | FACE™ Business Guide 1.1 |
It is widely acknowledged throughout the military aviation community that most future expansion of aviation capability will come from integration of systems controlled by software. Current avionics software has been acquired and implemented without adherence to open standards, resulting in tightly coupled systems with unique interfaces that inhibit re-use and adversely affect interoperability. With the fiscal environment being more constrained than ever, the FACE Consortium recognized that it is no longer possible to continue "business as usual". In the current world of plug-and-play standards and portable applications for cell phones, the Consortium questioned whether avionics capabilities could be acquired using a similar approach. The military aviation community has conducted efforts to implement aviation technology standards in the past. Some efforts succeeded with resulting benefits to aviation, while others have had mixed results. In studying this history, the FACE Consortium recognized early on that defining both the technical and business benefits of a standard helps the larger effort to succeed. This FACE Business Guide describes the business aspects of FACE and highlights to industry and Government acquisition professionals how FACE may affect software-based aviation electronics (avionics) acquisitions. This Business Guide also describes a range of business practices encouraging suppliers to develop portable FACE-conformant software components in order to lower costs, speed delivery, and produce higher quality aviation capabilities. Furthermore, this Business Guide identifies the function of a FACE Repository in making standardized aviation software that conforms to a technology standard more widely available and adoptable. The question "Why FACE?" demands a business answer. There must be a clear benefit; otherwise, we are simply adopting open standards for the sake of open standards. A Government and industry team collaborated to assess the potential cost and benefit factors associated with FACE and developed scenarios and acquisition options that may arise from FACE implementation. This Business Guide lists the potential products, services, and documents that may be created and used during the adoption and implementation of FACE across the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and industry. The ultimate goal of FACE is to ensure that the warfighter continues to get best-in-class systems while lowering costs and reducing implementation times. The Government and industry can both benefit from the broad adoption and implementation of the FACE Standards and business practices highlighted in this Business Guide. |
Adopted |
G142 | 2014 | Reference Implementation Guide for FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 2.0 | This document is a Reference Implementation Guide to be used in conjunction with the Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.0. | Adopted |
G162 | 2016 | Reference Implementation Guide for FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 2.1 | This document is a Reference Implementation Guide to be used in conjunction with the Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.1. | Adopted |
G172 | 2017 | FACE™ Business Guide 2.0 |
This Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Business Guide serves as a reference for executives, military executive officers, and senior leadership from both the Government and industry to understand the value proposition of the FACE approach. Users at all organization levels are encouraged to reference this Guide for their own benefit, and any potential briefs or discussions they may have with their respective leadership, teams, and colleagues. |
Adopted |
G173 | 2017 | FACE™ Software Supplier Getting Started Guide, Version 1.0 | This document is the Software Supplier Getting Started Guide (GSG) used by Software Suppliers who are implementing the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard. It is designed to be a navigational quick start guide providing access to sample conformant FACE software, developed FACE data models, and corresponding verification artifacts. | Adopted |
G304 | 1993 | Internationalization Guide, Version 2 | This guide is revised to align with XPG4. It is intended for system and application programmers developing internationalized software, and for end users who need to use the multi-locale features of an XPG4-compliant system. It also provides general guidance about good programming style for international portability and maintenance. | Adopted |
ISO_10646-1 | 2000 | Information Technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multi-lingual Plane | ISO/IEC 10646-1 defines the presentation and interchange of most of the scripts of the world in computer-based systems (includes Unicode). | Withdrawn |
ISO_8601 | 2004 | Data Elements and Interchange Formats - Information Interchange - Representation of Dates and Times | ISO 8601 is applicable whenever representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar, times in the 24-hour timekeeping system, time intervals and recurring time intervals, or the formats of these representations are included in information interchange. | Adopted |
Location and Directory Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C317 | 1994 | API to Directory Services (XDS), Issue 2 | This document defines an application programming interface (API) to X/Open Directory Services (XDS). This interface is designed to offer services that are consistent with, but not limited to, the 1988 CCITT X.500 Series of Recommendations and the ISO 9594 standard. Issue 2 includes revisions to align with the IEEE Directory Services group of standards that are based on the previous version of this specification. All new implementation work by API providers should be based on this Issue 3. This is one of several specifications originally developed in collaboration with the X.400 API Association. | Adopted |
C608 | 1996 | API to Directory Services (XDS), Issue 3 | This document defines an application programming interface (API) to X/Open Directory Services (XDS). This interface is designed to offer services that are consistent with, but not limited to, the 1988 CCITT X.500 Series of Recommendations and the ISO 9594 standard. Issue 3 includes revisions to align with the ISO Directory Services API group of standards, which in turn were based on the previous issue of this specification. All new implementation work by API providers should be based on Issue 3. XDS is one of several specifications originally developed in collaboration with the XAPI Association. | Adopted |
C705 | 1997 | DCE 1.1: Directory Services | This document specifies the Directory Services, using the concepts of global name space and cell name space. It defines application programming interfaces based on the Directory Services (XDS) interface (C317), OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation (XOM) (C315), and Federated Naming: The XNF Specification (P403). It also defines the Global Directory Service and Cell Directory Service. This document provides a portability guide to application programs using Directory Services and a conformance specification for implementation. This document includes text excerpted and/or derived from the Technology (AES) Specification. | Adopted |
G123 | 2012 | Maximizing the Value of Cloud for Small-Medium Enterprises | This Guide explores how small business owners can navigate through Cloud services and identify those that are geared towards addressing Small-Medium Enterprise (SME)-specific needs. This Guide is intended for business and technical executives in small and medium-sized organizations. | Adopted |
ISO_9594-1 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Overview of Concepts, Models, and Services | ISO/IEC 9594-1:2008 gives an overview of the concepts, models, and services related to the Directory. The Directory provides the directory capabilities required by OSI applications, OSI management processes, other OSI layer entities, and telecommunications services. | Adopted |
ITU-T_E.123 | 2001 | Notation for National and International Telephone Numbers, Email Addresses, and Web Addresses | ITU-T Recommendation E.123 defines how telephone numbers are represented textually. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.500 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Overview of Concepts, Models, and Services | ITU-T Recommendation X.500 (ISO/IEC 9594-1) introduces the concepts of the directory and the DIB (Directory Information Base) and overviews the services and capabilities which they provide. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.501 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Models | ITU-T Recommendation X.501 (ISO/IEC 9594-2) provides a number of different models for the Directory as a framework for the other ITU-T Recommendations in the X.500 series. The models are the overall (functional) model, the administrative authority model, generic Directory Information models providing Directory User and Administrative User views on Directory information, generic Directory System Agent (DSA) and DSA information models and operational framework, and a security model. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.509 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and Attribute Certificate Frameworks | ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (ISO/IEC 9594-8) defines a framework for public-key certificates and attribute certificates. These frameworks may be used by other standards bodies to profile their application to Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) and Privilege Management Infrastructures (PMI). Also, this Recommendation (pipe) International Standard defines a framework for the provision of authentication services by directory to its users. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.511 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Abstract Service Definition | ITU-T Recommendation X.511 (ISO/IEC 9594-3) defines in an abstract way the externally visible service provided by the Directory, including bind and unbind operations, read operations, search operations, modify operations, and errors. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.520 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected Attribute Types | ITU-T Recommendation X.520 (ISO/IEC 9594-6) defines a number of attribute types and matching rules which may be found useful across a range of applications of the Directory. One particular use for many of the attributes defined is in the formation of names, particularly for the classes of object defined in ITU-T Recommendation X.521 (ISO/IEC 9594-7). | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.521 | 2008 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected Object Classes | ITU-T Recommendation X.521 (ISO/IEC 9594-7) defines a number of selected object classes and name forms which may be found useful across a range of applications of the directory. An object class definition specifies the attribute types which are relevant to the objects of that class. A name form definition specifies the attributes to be used in forming names for the objects of a given class. | Adopted |
RFC_1278 | 1991 | A String Encoding of Presentation Address | There are a number of environments where a simple string encoding of Presentation Address is desirable. This specification defines such a representation. | Adopted |
RFC_1738 | 1994 | Uniform Resource Locators (URL) | This RFC specifies a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), the syntax and semantics of formalized information for location and access of resources via the Internet. | Adopted |
RFC_1777 | 1995 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | The protocol described in this document is designed to provide access to the X.500 Directory while not incurring the resource requirements of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP). | Adopted |
RFC_2251 | 1997 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) | This RFC defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3 (LDAPv3), which is an Internet protocol that is designed to provide access to directories supporting the X.500 models, while not incurring the resource requirements of the X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP). | Adopted |
RFC_2252 | 1997 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions | This RFC defines a set of syntaxes for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3 (LDAPv3), and the rules by which attribute values of these syntaxes are represented as octet strings for transmission in the LDAP protocol. | Adopted |
RFC_2253 | 1997 | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names | This RFC defines the string format for representing names when they are transferred by the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3 (LDAPv3). This is designed to give a clean representation of commonly used distinguished names, while being able to represent any distinguished name. | Adopted |
RFC_2254 | 1997 | The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters | This RFC defines a human-readable string format for representing LDAP search filters. | Adopted |
RFC_2255 | 1997 | The LDAP URL Format | This RFC describes a format for an LDAP Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The format describes an LDAP search operation to retrieve information from an LDAP directory. | Adopted |
RFC_2256 | 1997 | A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3 | This RFC provides an overview of the attribute types and object classes defined by the ISO and ITU-T committees in the X.500 documents, in particular those intended for use by directory clients. | Adopted |
RFC_3166 | 1993 | Codes for the representation of names of countries | Defines short-form codes for the representation of names of countries. | Adopted |
X03DJ | 2003 | LDAP Certified | This Product Standard defines requirements for directory servers for interoperation with LDAP clients, and supersedes the LDAP 2000 Product Standard. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X04DJ | 2004 | LDAP Certified V2 | This Product Standard defines requirements for directory servers for interoperation with LDAP clients. | Adopted |
X98GA | 1998 | Directory Access | This Product Standard provides directory (naming) services to portable applications by providing a programming interface that may be used to access the OSI X.500 Directory and/or vendor-specific name resolution mechanisms. | Adopted |
X99DI | 1999 | LDAP 2000 | This Product Standard defines core requirements for directory servers for interoperation with LDAP clients. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
Network Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C14B | 2017 | Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard | The Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard, fulfills the same purpose in the IoT Standards as HTTP does for the Internet. Typical examples of exchanged data are sensor readings, alarm or lifecycle events, requests for historical data, notifications about availability of new data, changes to existing data, etc. Just as HTTP can be used for transporting payloads in other formats as well as HTML, O-MI can be used for transporting payloads in almost any format. XML might currently be the most common text-based payload format but others, such as JSON, CSV, etc. may also be used. A defining characteristic of O-MI is that O-MI nodes do not have predefined roles, as it follows a peer-to-peer communications model. | Adopted |
C173 | 2017 | Technology Base Reference Models for Open Platform 3.0™ | The objective of this Open Group Standard is to assist Enterprise and IT architects by specifying basic architecture models in which platforms interact with each other and with other system components, and to assist digital platform vendors to produce interoperable platforms. | Adopted |
C195 | 1992 | IPC Mechanisms for SMB |
This document is intended to assist application programmers designing distributed client/server applications whose server component is portable to all conformant systems. Readers must be experienced C-language programmers. Programmers writing applications to implement an LMX server should have read the complementary volume Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SMB, Version 2 (C209).
Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: LMX Server. |
Adopted |
C209 | 1992 | Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SMB, Version 2 |
This specification defines protocols that have been adopted by X/Open as the means of interoperability between personal computers (PCs) and X/Open-compliant systems. Server Message Block (SMB) is intended for use in situations where X/Open-compliant systems are added to an existing LAN consisting primarily of personal computers.
Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: LMX Server. |
Adopted |
C303 | 1993 | ACSE/Presentation Services API (XAP) | This document defines an application programming interface (API) to the connection-oriented services of the Presentation Layer of the OSI protocol stack, including access to the ACSE application service element from the Application Layer. This API has been defined as an interface to support portable implementations of application-specific OSI services and non-OSI applications. This specification describes the XAP API and defines the functions and data structures which it provides for use by applications. | Adopted |
C305 | 1993 | Message Store API | Developed and published in conjunction with the X.400 API Association, this document describes an API to the message store functions in an X.400 Message Handling System. The Message Store Abstract Service is described in X.413 and acts as an intermediary between the Message Transfer System and the User Agent. | Adopted |
C310 | 1994 | DCE 1.1: Time Services | The title of this specification was changed from DCE: Time Services in October 1996 but the content is unchanged. This document specifies the Distributed Time Service (DTS) time representations, RPC interfaces to the DTS, and application programming interfaces to the DTS. The purpose of this document is to provide a portability guide for DTS application programs and a conformance specification for DTS implementations. This document includes text excerpted and/or derived from the Technology (AES) Specification (F013). | Adopted |
C311 | 1997 | DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services | This document specifies the DCE security model, services, interfaces, and protocols. Its purpose is to provide a portability guide for security programs and a conformance specification for DCE implementations. It is written for security application programmers and developers of DCE security implementations. This document includes text excerpted and/or derived from the Technology (AES) Specification. | Adopted |
C316 | 1994 | API to Electronic Mail (X.400), Issue 2 | This document (X.400) defines the application programming interfaces (APIs) to Electronic Mail (X.400). These APIs provide for access to, and interconnection of, messaging systems whose architecture is in accordance with the CCITT/ISO X.400 Series of standards. This Issue 2 includes revisions to align with the IEEE X.400 API group of standards that are based on the previous version of this specification. All new implementation work by API providers should follow Issue 2. The previous specification will be retained for only as long as branding is available for products based on it. X.400 is one of several specifications that were originally developed in collaboration with the X.400 API Association. The other documents are XOM, XDS, XMS, XEDI, and Guide to Selected X.400 and Directory Services APIs. The XOM and XDS specifications are also the basis for corresponding IEEE standards and have been upgraded to Issue 2 for IEEE alignment. | Adopted |
C403 | 1995 | Federated Naming: The XFN Specification | This document defines the model of a federated naming service together with an associated programmatic interface, and specifies the naming policies to be used in conjunction with this service. | Adopted |
C408 | 1995 | Remote Operations Service Element (XAP-ROSE) API | This document specifies a superset of available services for those applications requiring a consistent method of access to the Remote Operations Service Application Service Element (ASE). The main benefit provided by these extensions is elimination of redundant code within applications using the ISO ROSE access method for OSI user applications as defined in ISO 9072-2 and ISO 9072-2. The exposed library interface (XAP-ROSE) comprises a set of ROSE primitives and attributes which are designed to be used along with the X/Open ACSE/Presentation Services (XAP) Service Library. A ROSE-Service user of this specification is presumed to be familiar with the X/Open ACSE/Presentation Services (XAP) API specification (C303). The target readers are system vendors (API implementors) who wish to implement the ISO 7-layer protocol stack which includes the ISO ROSE, and also independent software vendors (application implementors) who require to use an Invoke/Response paradigm for application in an ISO OSI (network)-compliant environment. | Adopted |
C411 | 1995 | X.25 Programming Interface using XTI (XX25) | This document defines an Application Program Interface (API) for access to X.25 using the established X/Open Transport Interface (XTI). The OSI X.25 service is an international standard used throughout the world for wide area networks. The X.25 service interface defined in this specification is independent of any underlying X.25 provider, by its use of the existing XTI functions. | Adopted |
C415 | 1995 | FTAM High-level API (XFTAM), Version 2 | This document defines the X/Open FTAM API, Version 2, a programming interface to the OSI File Transfer, Access, and Management protocol. Version 2 includes alignment with the IEEE FTAM Standard (P1238), which in turn includes support for context-sensitive mode of operation. XFTAM's functions implement high-level file transfer and file management operations using the service of an FTAM initiator and service provider which underlie the API. This specification is useful for implementors of applications which use the set of functions and data structures defined for this API to produce an application which is portable across OSI protocol stacks from a range of system vendors. | Adopted |
C438 | 1994 | Networking Services, Issue 4 |
This document contains the Technical Standards of both the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) and X/Open Sockets Interface. Support for both XTI and Sockets interfaces is a requirement for conformance to the Single UNIX Specification and use of the associated UNIX Brand. The XTI Specification is technically identical to that contained in X/Open Transport Interface (XTI), Version 2 (C318), and either document can be used as the basis for XTI branding on an XPG4 Base platform. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 95, Sockets. |
Adopted |
C520 | 1996 | Multiprotocol Transport Networking (XMPTN): Address Mapper | This specification defines the XMPTN Address Mapper, which provides dynamic address mapping services to nodes in a mixed transport protocol network. It gives a general solution for address mapping which would otherwise have to be provided by multiple protocol-specific address mapping schemes. | Adopted |
C521 | 1996 | Multiprotocol Transport Networking (XMPTN): Access Node | This specification defines the XMPTN Access Node through which the mixed protocol networking services provided by XMPTN are accessed by applications. | Adopted |
C522 | 1996 | Multiprotocol Transport Networking (XMPTN): Data Formats | This specification defines the XMPTN Data Formats; that is, formats of message and data structures used by XMPTN. | Adopted |
C523 | 1997 | Networking Services, Issue 5 |
The Networking Services (XNS), Issue 5 specification describes the industry-standard open systems interfaces to communication services. These include two APIs to transport-level process-to-process communications: Sockets and XTI. Both Sockets and XTI are specified for use over Internet protocols (TCP, UDP, and IP) and ISO Transport protocols. They also include a set of Internet address resolution interfaces which are commonly used in conjunction with Sockets. XTI support for many other protocols is described in appendixes included in this specification. This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 (T912) required for UNIX 98. It includes revisions to align with IEEE Standard 1003.1:1990 (Portable Operating System Interface). Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 98, UNIX 98 Workstation, Transport Service (XTI) V2, Sockets V2. |
Adopted |
C607 | 1996 | OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation API (XOM), Issue 3 | This document defines the application programming interfaces (APIs) to management of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) objects. This interface is needed by other APIs specific to particular OSI services. Currently, these include the APIs to Directory Services (XDS), X.400 Electronic Mail (XMHS), and Systems Management Protocol (XMP). Issue 3 includes revisions to align with the ISO OSI Object Management group of standards, which in turn was based on the previous issue of this specification. All new implementation work by API providers should be based on Issue 3. XOM is one of several specifications originally developed in collaboration with the XAPI Association. | Adopted |
C609 | 1996 | API to Electronic Mail (X.400), Issue 3 | This document (XMHS Issue 3) defines the application programming interfaces (APIs) to Electronic Mail (X.400). These APIs provide for access to, andinterconnection of, messaging systems whose architecture isin accordance with the CCITT/ISO X.400 Series ofRecommendations. This 'Issue 3' of the XMHS CAE Specification includes revisions to align with the ISO MHS API group of Standards, which in turn were based on the previous issue of this XMHS Specification. All new implementation work by API providers should be based on XHMS Issue 3. XMHS is one of several specifications originally developed in collaboration with the XAPI Association. The other documents are OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation (XOM) (C607), Directory Services (XDS) (C608), Message Storage (C305) and EDI specifications (P150). A Guide to Selected X.400 and Directory Services APIs is also available (G150). The XOM (C607) and XDS (C608) Specifications have also been aligned with the corresponding ISO Standards. | Adopted |
C702 | 1998 | Protocols for Interworking: XNFS, Version 3W | This Technical Standard is aligned with Sun's NFS Version 3, and incorporates the Sun WebNFS™ extensions. The process of accessing remote files and directories as though they were part of the local file system hierarchy is commonly known as Transparent File Access (TFA). The most widely used heterogeneous TFS architecture is the Network File System (NFS), originally developed by Sun Microsytems. The Open Group XNFS offers a complete solution to transparent file access between open system-compliant systems, through the XNFS protocols for interoperability, and The Open Group XSI interfaces for application/user portability (as identified in several XNFS appendixes). | Adopted |
C706 | 1997 | DCE 1.1: Remote Procedure Call | This document specifies Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services, interface, protocols, encoding rules, and the Interface Definition Language (IDL). The purpose of this document is to provide a portability guide for RPC application programs and a conformance specification for RPC implementations. This document includes text excerpted and/or derived from the Technology (AES) Specification. | Adopted |
C808 | 2000 | Networking Services, Issue 5.2 | The Networking Services (XNS), Issue 5.2 specification defines the industry-standard open systems interfaces to communication services, including IPv6. These comprise the Sockets Interface and the X/Open Transport Interface (XTI). The Sockets Interface (part 2 of this document) is now the main industry-standard interface. XTI (part 3 of this document) is now considered to be obsolete, so writers of new applications using the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) are recommended to use Sockets rather than XTI. Where protocols for which there is no Sockets support are in use, XTI is still recommended in preference to proprietary APIs. XNS Issue 5.2 is a new version of XNS Issue 5 (C523). (Please note, however, that C523 remains the requirement for UNIX 98.) The most important new feature is the inclusion of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) functionality, in a manner which is aligned with the relevant IETF IPv6 standard (RFC 2553). | Adopted |
C809 | 1998 | Resource Reservation Setup Protocol API (RAPI) | This Technical Standard is based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet Draft version 5 for RAPI, which is a specific Application Programming Interface (API) for the Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP). Rather than develop this into an IETF RFC document, the IETF have deferred to The Open Group to develop RAPI into an open systems standard. The RAPI interface is one realization of the generic API contained in the RSVP Functional Specification (IETF RFC 2205). | Adopted |
C810 | 2000 | Transport Provider Interface (TPI), Version 2 | The Transport Provider Interface (TPI) Standard defines an interface for drivers that provide transport services in a networking environment. The TPI defines the set of messages and their formats that the driver must generate and process. This specification is firmly based on the TPI specification originally produced by UNIX International (UI). | Adopted |
C811 | 2000 | Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Version 2 | The Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Standard defines a STREAMS kernel-level instantiation of the ISO Data Link Service Definition DIS 8886 and Logical Link Control DIS 8802/2 (LLC). Where the two standards are not aligned, DIS 8886 prevails. The DLPI interface enables a data link service user to access and use any of a variety of conforming data link service providers without special knowledge of the provider's protocol. Specifically, the interface is intended to support X.25 LAPB, BX.25 level 2, SDL C, ISDN LAPD, Ethernet, CSMA/CD, FDDI, token ring, token bus, Bisync, Frame Relay, ATM, Fiber Channel and HIPPI. This list will be added to as new protocols are deployed. | Adopted |
G110 | 1991 | Guide to the Internet Protocol Suite | This guide is aimed at both implementers and decision-makers and presents a detailed look at the scope of implementations of IPS available on UNIX and derivative systems. It bridges the gap between the official requirements and the reality of current products by presenting current common practice for such implementations. | Adopted |
G143 | 2014 | DirecNet® Waveform Overview and Architecture |
The DirecNet Waveform Overview and Architecture Guide provides an overview to the DirecNet Family of Waveform and Network Management Interoperability Standards (the DirecNet Standards) that collectively define the requirements necessary to ensure interoperability at a specified level of performance between DirecNet terminals. The DirecNet Standards are open and vendor-neutral interoperability standards for an advanced IP-enabled, directional, high-capacity [or throughput] (4Gbps), ad hoc, mobile, mesh networking waveform as well as a policy-based network management interoperability standard for heterogeneous wireless networks. Adherence to the protocols and procedures defined in the DirecNet Standards will enable a manufacturer’s terminal products to obtain DirecNet certification and interoperate with any other manufacturer’s terminal that has the same certification. |
Adopted |
G506 | 1996 | Multiprotocol Transport Networking (MPTN) Architecture, Version 2 | This Guide introduces the concepts and the benefits to the user community of the Multiprotocol Transport Networking (MPTN) architecture. MPTN allows an application associated with one networking protocol to run without change over a different networking protocol. The impact of the MPTN architecture on the user community is anticipated in achievement of true transport independence for the communications interfaces (such as XTI, sockets, CPI-C), removal of restrictions on networks where applications can run, and increased connectivity between applications in different networks. This Guide explains the rationale for using MPTN, and describes an architecture model. As background information, it includes a summary of concerns that have commonly arisen regarding the MPTN approach to mixed-protocol networking, along with responses to those concerns. The Open Group has published specifications for Multiprotocol Transport Networking. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_10 | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | A set of RFCs which define the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The objective of SMTP is to transfer mail reliably and efficiently. SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. An SMTP is its capability to relay mail across transport service environments. | Adopted | |
INTERNET_STD_11 | Format of Electronic Mail Messages | This Internet Standard provides the standard for the format of ARPA Internet messages. | Adopted | |
INTERNET_STD_12 | Network Time Protocol (Version 2) Specification and Implementation | This Internet Standard specifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP) which is used to synchronize timekeeping among a set of distributed time servers and clients. | Adopted | |
INTERNET_STD_13 | 1987 | Domain Name System | A set of RFCs – 1034 and 1035 – that together define the Domain Name System (DNS). | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_3 | 1989 | Requirements for Internet Hosts | A pair of RFCs – 1122 and 1123 – that together define the requirements for Internet host software. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_33 | 1992 | The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2) | This Internet Standard defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). It is a very simple protocol used to transfer files. Each non-terminal packet is acknowledged separately. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_47 | 1988 | Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) | The Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) is commonly used for point-to-point serial connections running TCP/IP. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_5 | 1981 | Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) | A set of RFCs – 791, 792, 919, 922, 950, 1112 – that together define the standard for the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_51 | 1994 | Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) | A set of RFCs that together define the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_53 | 1996 | Post Office Protocol - Version 3 | This Internet Standard defines the Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3). It consists of IETF RFC 1939. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_6 | 1980 | User Datagram Protocol | An RFC – 768 – that defines the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), a datagram mode of packet-switched communication. UDP assumes that the Internet Protocol (IP) is used as the underlying protocol. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_7 | 1981 | Transmission Control Protocol | An RFC – 793 – that defines the US DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_8 | 1983 | Telnet Protocol | A set of RFCs – 854 and 855 – that together define the Telnet Protocol. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_9 | 1985 | File Transfer Protocol | This Internet Standard defines commands and rules for the Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP). | Adopted |
ISO_10148 | 1991 | Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) using OSI Remote Operations | This standard defines the basic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) using OSI remote operations. It is an ISO adoption of the X/Open RPC Specification (C309). | Withdrawn |
ISO_10607 | 1990 | Information Technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer, Access, and Management | This IPS defines profiles of service elements and data types applying to FTAM. | Withdrawn |
ISO_8072 | 1996 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Transport Service Definition | ISO/IEC 8072 defines the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) transport service. It describes connectionless-mode transport services. | Adopted |
ISO_8073 | 1997 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol for Providing the Connection-mode Transport Service | ISO/IEC 8073 describes connection-oriented transport layer services and protocols. | Adopted |
ISO_8327 | 1996 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented Session Protocol: Protocol Specification | ISO/IEC 8327-1 describes connection-oriented Session Layer services, protocols, and formats. | Adopted |
ISO_8571 | 1988 | Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access, and Management | ISO 8571 consists of four parts containing: introduction, definitions of virtual file store and file service, and protocol specification. | Adopted |
ISO_8602 | 1995 | Information Technology - Protocol for Providing the OSI Connectionless-mode Transport Service | This standard specifies procedures for the connectionless-mode transmission of data and protocol control information; procedures for the correct interpretation of transport protocol control information; the functional requirements for implementations claiming conformance to this standard; and the encoding of the transport protocol data units used for the transmission of data and control information. | Adopted |
ISO_8649 | 1996 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Service Definition for the Association Control Service Element | ISO/IEC 8649 defines the connection-oriented and connectionless Application Layer Association Control Service Element (ACSE). It defines service primitives which map directly to the equivalent primitives of the Presentation and Session Layers (with a number of additional parameters). | Withdrawn |
ISO_8650 | 1988 | Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol Specification for the Association Control Service Element | ISO 8650 specifies the OSI Association Control Service Element (ACSE). | Withdrawn |
ISO_8802-3 | 2000 | Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 3: CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications | ISO/IEC 8802-3 specifies the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) access method and Physical Layer specifications. | Adopted |
ISO_8802-4 | 1990 | Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 4: Token-passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications | ISO/IEC 8802-4 specifies connection to a token bus LAN. | Withdrawn |
ISO_8802-5 | 1998 | Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 5: Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications | ISO/IEC 8802-5 specifies connection to a token ring LAN. | Adopted |
ISO_8823-1 | 1994 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented Presentation Protocol: Protocol Specification | ISO/IEC 8823-1 cancels and replaces the first edition (1988). It specifies procedures for the transfer of data and control information from one presentation-entity to a peer presentation-entity; the means of selecting, by means of functional units, the procedures to be used by the presentation-entities; the structure and encoding of the presentation-protocol-data-units used for the transfer of data and control information. These procedures are applicable to instances of communication between systems which support the presentation layer of the OSI reference model and which wish to interconnect in an OSI environment. Also specifies conformance criteria for systems implementing these procedures. Does not contain tests which can be used to demonstrate this conformance. | Adopted |
ISO_8824 | 1990 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) | This standard specifies the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1). | Withdrawn |
ISO_8825 | 1990 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) | This standard specifies a set of basic encoding rules that may be used to derive the specification of a transfer syntax for values of types defined using the notation specified in ISO/IEC 8824. These basic encoding rules are used at the time of communication (by the presentation service provider when required by a presentation context). Annex A gives an example of encoding. Annex B indicates the assignment of object identifier values. | Withdrawn |
ISO_9040 | 1997 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service | ISO/IEC 9040 defines the Virtual Terminal Protocol. | Adopted |
ISO_9041-1 | 1997 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol - Part 1: Specification | ISO/IEC 9041-1 specifies the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) virtual terminal basic class protocol. | Adopted |
ISO_9548 | 1995 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connectionless Session Protocol | This standard defines the connectionless session protocol. | Adopted |
ISO_9576 | 1991 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connectionless Presentation Protocol Specification | This standard describes the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) connectionless presentation protocol specification. | Withdrawn |
ISO_ISP_10608-2 | 1992 | Information Technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 2: TA51 Profile | This ISP is the TA51 Profile, which includes subnetwork-dependent requirements for CSMA/CD Local Area Networks (LANs). | Adopted |
ISO_ISP_10608-5 | 1992 | Information Technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 5: TA1111/TA1121 Profiles | This ISP defines Profile TA1111 and Profile TA1121. It includes subnetwork-dependent requirements for X.25 packet-switched data networks using virtual calls. | Adopted |
ISO_ISP_10609-6 | 1992 | Information Technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD, and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connection-mode Network Service - Part 6: Definition of Profiles TC1111/TC1121 | This ISP defines Profile TC1111 and Profile TC1121. | Adopted |
ISO_ISP_10609-7 | 1992 | Information Technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD, and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 7: Definition of Profiles TD1111/TD1121 | This ISP defines Profile TD1111 and Profile TD1121. | Adopted |
ITU-T_T.4 | 2003 | Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile Terminals for Document Transmission | ITU-T Recommendation T.4 defines how telephone facsimile data is encoded. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.25 | 1996 | Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) | ITU-T Recommendation X.25 defines the X.25 Packet Layer Protocol. Specifically, it defines the interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks by a dedicated circuit. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.400 | 1999 | Message Handling Services: Message Handling System and Service Overview | This revision of ITU-T Recommendation X.400/F.400 (ISO/IEC 10021-1:2003) is a consolidation of Recommendation X.400/F.400 (07/96) and Amendment 1 (09/98). It provides an overview of system and services of Message Handling Systems (MHS). It should be considered in conjunction with the F.400-series and X.400-series of Recommendations. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.680 | 2008 | Information Technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of Basic Notation | ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (ISO/IEC 8824-1) provides a notation called Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) for defining the syntax of information data. It defines a number of simple data types and specifies a notation for referencing these types and for specifying values of these types.The ASN.1 notations can be applied whenever it is necessary to define the abstract syntax of information without constraining in any way how the information is encoded for transmission. | Adopted |
ITU-T_X.690 | 2008 | Information Technology - ASN.1 Encoding Rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) | ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (ISO/IEC 8825-1) defines a set of Basic Encoding Rules (BER) that may be applied to values of types defined using the ASN.1 notation. Application of these encoding rules produces a transfer syntax for such values. It is implicit in the specification of these encoding rules that they are also used for decoding. This Recommendation (pipe) International Standard also defines a set of Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) and a set of Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), both of which provide constraints on the Basic Encoding Rules (BER). | Adopted |
RFC_1014 | 1987 | XDR: External Data Representation Standard | XDR is a standard for the description and encoding of data. | Adopted |
RFC_1034 | 1987 | Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities | This RFC is an introduction to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS). It describes domain style names – their use for Internet mail and host address support – and the protocols and servers used to implement domain name facilities. | Adopted |
RFC_1035 | 1987 | Domain Names - Implementation and Specification | This RFC describes the details of the Domain Name System (DNS) and protocol, and assumes that the reader is familiar with the concepts discussed in RFC 1034. | Adopted |
RFC_1049 | 1988 | Content Type Header Field | This RFC specifies a standardized Content-type field which allows mail reading systems to automatically identify the type of a structured message body and to process it for display accordingly. | Adopted |
RFC_1050 | 1988 | RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification | Specifies a message protocol used in implementing the Sun Microsystems Remote Procedure Call (RPC) package. | Adopted |
RFC_1094 | 1989 | NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification | The Network File System (NFS) protocol provides transparent remote access to shared files across networks. The NFS protocol is designed to be portable across different machines, operating systems, network architectures, and transport protocols. This portability is achieved through the use of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) primitives built on top of an eXternal Data Representation (XDR). | Superseded |
RFC_1112 | 1989 | Host Extensions for IP Multicasting | This RFC specifies the extensions required of a host implementation of the Internet Protocol (IP) to support multicasting. It is the recommended standard for IP multicasting in the Internet. | Adopted |
RFC_1119 | 1989 | Network Time Protocol (Version 2) Specification and Implementation | This RFC specifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP) which is used to synchronize timekeeping among a set of distributed time servers and clients. | Superseded |
RFC_1122 | 1989 | Requirements for Internet Hosts - Communication Layers | This is one RFC of a pair that defines and discusses the requirements for Internet host software. This RFC covers the communications protocol layers: link layer, IP layer, and transport layer; its companion RFC 1123 covers the application and support protocols. | Adopted |
RFC_1123 | 1989 | Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support | This RFC is one of a pair that defines and discusses the requirements for Internet host software. This RFC covers the application and support protocols; its companion RFC 1122 covers the communication protocol layers: link layer, IP layer, and transport layer. | Adopted |
RFC_1155 | 1990 | Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets | This RFC provides common definitions for the structure and identification of management information for TCP/IP-based Internets. In particular, it provides a simple, workable architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based Internets. | Adopted |
RFC_1179 | 1990 | Line Printer Daemon Protocol | This RFC describes an existing print server protocol widely used on the Internet for communicating between line printer daemons (both clients and servers). | Adopted |
RFC_1213 | 1991 | Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets | This RFC defines the second version of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based Internets. In particular, it provides a simple, workable architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based Internets. | Adopted |
RFC_1305 | 1992 | Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation, and Analysis | This RFC describes the Network Time Protocol (NTP), specifies its formal structure, and summarizes information useful for its implementation. The NTP provides the mechanisms to synchronize time and coordinate time distribution in a large, diverse Internet operating at rates from mundane to lightwave. | Adopted |
RFC_1327 | 1992 | Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC 822 | This standard describes a set of mappings which will enable inter-working between systems operating the CCITT X.400 (1988) Recommendations on Message Handling Systems / ISO IEC 10021 Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS), and systems using the RFC 822 mail protocol or protocols derived from RFC 822. | Adopted |
RFC_1350 | 1992 | The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2) | This RFC defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), which is a very simple protocol used to transfer files. Each non-terminal packet is acknowledged separately. This RFC describes the protocol and its types of packets. | Adopted |
RFC_1521 | 1993 | MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies | RFC 822 (Internet Standard 11) defines a message representation protocol which specifies considerable detail about message headers, but which leaves the message content, or message body, as flat ASCII text. This document redefines the format of message bodies to allow multi-part textual and non-textual message bodies to be represented and exchanged without loss of information. | Adopted |
RFC_1522 | 1993 | MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text | This standard describes an extension to the message format defined in RFC 1521 to allow the representation of character sets other than ASCII in RFC 822 (Internet Standard 11) message headers. The extensions described were designed to be highly compatible with existing Internet mail handling software, and to be easily implemented in mail readers that support RFC 1521. | Adopted |
RFC_1647 | 1987 | TN3270 Enhancements | A protocol that more fully supports 3270 devices than do existing TN3270 practices. Defines a method of emulating both the terminal and printer members of the 3270 family of devices via Telnet. | Withdrawn |
RFC_1661 | 1994 | Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) | The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is designed for simple links which transport packets between two peers. These links provide full-duplex simultaneous bi-directional operation, and are assumed to deliver packets in order. It is intended that PPP provides a common solution for easy connection of a wide variety of hosts, bridges, and routers. | Adopted |
RFC_1662 | 1994 | PPP in HDLC-like Framing | The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard method for transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. This document describes the use of HDLC-like framing for PPP encapsulated packets. | Adopted |
RFC_1730 | 1994 | Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4 | Defines the Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4 (IMAP4), which allows a client to access and manipulate electronic mail messages on a server. | Adopted |
RFC_1731 | 1994 | IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms | The Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4 (IMAP4) contains the AUTHENTICATE command, for identifying and authenticating a user to an IMAP4 server and for optionally negotiating a protection mechanism for subsequent protocol interactions. This document describes several authentication mechanisms for use by the IMAP4 AUTHENTICATE command. | Adopted |
RFC_1734 | 1994 | POP3 AUTHentication Command | Describes the optional POP3 AUTH command for indicating an authentication mechanism to the server, performing an authentication protocol exchange, and optionally negotiating a protection mechanism for subsequent protocol interactions. The authentication and protection mechanisms used by the POP3 AUTH command are those used by IMAP4. | Adopted |
RFC_1757 | 1995 | Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base | This RFC defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based Internets. In particular, it defines objects for managing remote network monitoring devices. | Adopted |
RFC_1869 | 1995 | SMTP Service Extensions | This RFC defines a framework for extending the SMTP service by defining a means whereby a server SMTP can inform a client SMTP as to the service extensions it supports. | Superseded |
RFC_1870 | 1995 | SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration | Defines an extension to the SMTP service whereby an SMTP client and server may interact to give the server an opportunity to decline to accept a message (perhaps temporarily) based on the client's estimate of the message size. | Adopted |
RFC_1939 | 1996 | Post Office Protocol - Version 3 | This RFC defines the Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3). POP3 is intended to permit a workstation to dynamically access a maildrop on a server host in a useful fashion. | Adopted |
RFC_2001 | 1997 | TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, and Fast Recovery Algorithms | Modern implementations contain four intertwined algorithms for slow start, congestion avoidance, fast transmit, and fast recovery. This RFC documents these algorithms and refers to the requirements of RFC 1122. | Adopted |
RFC_2008 | 1996 | Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing | IP unicast address allocation and management are essential operational functions for the public Internet. This document addresses relevant fundamental technical issues, and makes recommendations with respect to policies for address allocation and management. | Adopted |
RFC_2054 | 1996 | WebNFS Client Specification | This RFC describes a lightweight binding mechanism that allows NFS clients to obtain service from WebNFS-enabled servers with a minimum of protocol overhead. | Adopted |
RFC_2055 | 1996 | WebNFS Server Specification | This RFC describes the specifications for a server of WebNFS clients. WebNFS extends the semantics of Versions 2 and 3 of the NFS protocols to allow clients to obtain file handles more easily, without recourse to the portmap or MOUNT protocols. | Adopted |
RFC_2060 | 1996 | Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4rev1 | This RFC specifies the Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4rev1 (IMAP4rev1), which allows a client to access and manipulate electronic mail messages on a server. | Adopted |
RFC_2065 | 1997 | Domain Name System Security Extensions | Describes extensions to the Domain Name System (DNS) that provide these services to security-aware resolvers or applications through the use of cryptographic digital signatures. Same as RFC 1035 and RFC 2137. | Adopted |
RFC_2131 | 1997 | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | This RFC defines the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) which provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. DHCP is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). | Adopted |
RFC_2132 | 1997 | DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions | This RFC specifies a set of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options. All of the DHCP options defined in this document, except for those specific to DHCP, may be used as BOOTP vendor information extensions. | Adopted |
RFC_2136 | 1997 | Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS Update) | Specifies the UPDATE opcode of the Domain Name System (DNS) which provides for addition or deletion of RRs or RRsets from a specified zone. | Adopted |
RFC_2137 | 1997 | Secure Domain Name System Update | Covers security for the DNS update operation (Same as RFC 1035) | Adopted |
RFC_2355 | 1998 | TN3270 Enhancements | A protocol that more fully supports 3270 devices than does existing tn3270 practices. Defines a method of emulating both the terminal and printer members of the 3270 family of devices via Telnet. | Adopted |
RFC_2460 | 1998 | Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification | This RFC specifies version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6), also sometimes referred to as IP Next Generation or IPng. | Adopted |
RFC_2461 | 1998 | Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) | This RFC specifies the Neighbor Discovery protocol for IP Version 6 (IPv6). IPv6 nodes on the same link use Neighbor Discovery to discover each others' presence, to determine each others' link-layer addresses, to find routers, and to maintain reachability information about the paths to active neighbors. | Adopted |
RFC_2462 | 1998 | IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration | This RFC specifies the steps a host takes in deciding how to autoconfigure its interfaces in IPv6. The autoconfiguration process includes creating a link-local address and verifying its uniqueness on a link, determining what information should be autoconfigured (addresses, other information, or both), and in the case of addresses, whether they should be obtained through the stateless mechanism, the stateful mechanism, or both. | Adopted |
RFC_2463 | 1998 | Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification | This RFC specifies a set of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages for use with version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6). | Adopted |
RFC_2487 | 1999 | SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over TLS | This RFC describes an extension to the SMTP service that allows an SMTP server and client to use transport-layer security to provide private, authenticated communication over the Internet. This gives SMTP agents the ability to protect some or all of their communications from eavesdroppers and attackers. | Adopted |
RFC_2554 | 1999 | SMTP Service Extension for Authentication | This RFC defines an SMTP service extension (ESMTP) whereby an SMTP client may indicate an authentication mechanism to the server, perform an authentication protocol exchange, and optionally negotiate a security layer for subsequent protocol interactions. This extension is a profile of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). | Adopted |
RFC_2569 | 1999 | Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols | This RFC defines an experimental protocol mapping between LPD and IPP for the Internet community. | Adopted |
RFC_2616 | 1999 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1 | The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods, error codes, and headers. | Adopted |
RFC_2910 | 2000 | Internet Printing Protocol 1.1: Encoding and Transport | This RFC is one of a set which together describe all aspects of the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). IPP is an application-level protocol that can be used for distributed printing using Internet tools and technologies. | Adopted |
RFC_2911 | 2000 | Internet Printing Protocol 1.1: Model and Semantics | This RFC is one of a set which together describe all aspects of the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). IPP is an application-level protocol that can be used for distributed printing using Internet tools and technologies. | Adopted |
RFC_3010 | 2000 | NFS version 4 Protocol | The Network File System (NFS) version 4 is a distributed file system protocol. Version 4 is a revision of the NFS protocol defined by RFC 1094 (version 2) and RFC 1813 (version 3). Unlike earlier versions, the NFS version 4 protocol supports traditional file access while integrating support for file locking and the mount protocol. | Adopted |
RFC_3513 | 2003 | Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture | This RFC defines the addressing architecture of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). | Adopted |
RFC_5321 | 2008 | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | This RFC specifies the basic protocol for Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates, updates, and clarifies several previous documents, making all or parts of most of them obsolete. It covers the SMTP extension mechanisms and best practices for the contemporary Internet. | Pending |
RFC_5322 | 2008 | Internet Message Format | This RFC specifies the Internet Message Format (IMF), a syntax for text messages that are sent between computer users, within the framework of electronic mail messages. | Pending |
RFC_768 | 1980 | User Datagram Protocol | This RFC defines the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – a datagram mode of packet-switched communication. UDP assumes that the Internet Protocol (IP) is used as the underlying protocol. | Adopted |
RFC_791 | 1981 | Internet Protocol | This RFC specifies the DoD Standard Internet Protocol. It is based on six earlier editions of the ARPA Internet Protocol Specification, and the present text draws heavily from them. | Adopted |
RFC_792 | 1981 | Internet Control Message Protocol | Defines ICMP – a control protocol forming an integral part of IP that is used for communication by a gateway or destination host with a source host; for example, to report an error in datagram processing. | Adopted |
RFC_793 | 1981 | Transmission Control Protocol | This RFP defines the US DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). | Adopted |
RFC_821 | 1982 | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | This RFC defines the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The objective of SMTP is to transfer mail reliably and efficiently. SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. | Superseded |
RFC_822 | 1982 | Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages | Specifies a syntax for text messages that are sent among computer users within the framework of electronic mail. Supersedes RFC 733. | Superseded |
RFC_854 | 1983 | Telnet Protocol Specification | This RFC defines commands and rules for the Internet virtual terminal protocol (Telnet). Its primary goal is to allow a standard method of interfacing terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes to each other. | Adopted |
RFC_855 | 1983 | Telnet Option Specifications | This RFC specifies a method of Telnet option code assignment and standards for documentation of options. | Adopted |
RFC_919 | 1984 | Broadcasting Internet Datagrams | This RFC defines simple rules for broadcasting Internet datagrams on local networks that support broadcast, for addressing broadcasts, and for how gateways should handle them. | Adopted |
RFC_922 | 1984 | Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets | This RFP defines simple rules for broadcasting Internet datagrams on local networks that support broadcast, for addressing broadcasts, and for how gateways should handle them. | Adopted |
RFC_950 | 1985 | Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure | This RFC defines the recommended procedures for the use of subnets in the Internet. These procedures are for hosts (e.g., workstations). | Adopted |
RFC_959 | 1985 | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) | This RFC is the official specification of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It defines commands and rules for FTP. | Adopted |
RFC_974 | 1986 | Mail Routing and the Domain System | Describes how mailers are to decide how to route a message addressed to a given Internet domain name involving interpretation of MX RRs (host-specific resource records), which are used for message routing. | Adopted |
X04IP | 2004 | Internet Protocol Version 6 | This Product Standard defines a set of programming APIs and services in support of the Internet Protocol Version 6. | Adopted |
X04PS | 2004 | Internet Server V2 | This Product Standard defines a set of services in support of Internet and intranet technologies. This includes support of network clients and the presence of a mandatory Java Runtime Environment. | Adopted |
X98GG | 1998 | X.400 Gateway | This Product Standard provides facilities for the construction of portable gateway applications that allow messages from one messaging system (e.g., email) to be converted and forwarded according to the formats and conventions of another messaging system. | Adopted |
X98GM | 1998 | X.400 Message Access | This Product Standard provides facilities for the construction of portable X.400 messaging systems (e.g., email) by making the services of a message transfer system (MTS) available to applications implementing either a user agent (UA) or message store (MS). | Adopted |
X98GN | 1998 | Network File System | This Product Standard provides an application program acting as a client in a client/server configuration with transparent access to files held on the remote server. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98GP | 1998 | Sockets | This Product Standard provides applications with the sockets interface to the underlying communications system. It is required for UNIX 95. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98GQ | 1998 | Sockets V2 | This Product Standard provides applications with the sockets interface to the underlying communications system. It is an enhancement of the Sockets Product Standard, and is required for UNIX 98. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98GS | 1998 | Transport Service (XTI) | This Product Standard provides a single programming interface to a variety of transport services: OSI, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, and NetBIOS. It is required for UNIX 95. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98GV | 1998 | Transport Service (XTI) V2 | This Product Standard provides a single programming interface to a variety of transport services: OSI, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, and NetBIOS. It is an enhancement of the Transport Service (XTI) Product Standard, and is required for UNIX 98. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98PL | 1998 | LMX Server | This Product Standard provides LMX server facilities which allow a conformant system to act as a file and print server to a network of DOS-based PCs. | Adopted |
X98PN | 1998 | (PC)NFS Server | This Product Standard provides (PC)NFS server facilities which allow a conforming system to act as a file and print server for a network of DOS-based PCs. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98PS | 1998 | Internet Server | This Product Standard defines a set of services in support of Internet and intranet technologies, including support of network computer devices and the presence of a mandatory Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
Object-Oriented Provision of Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
CORBAservices | 1997 | CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification | This document provides the general design principles that were used in designing each CORBA service, explains the dependencies among services, and explains how object services relate to each other, CORBA, and industry standards in general. The following services are specified: Naming, Event, Persistent Object, Life Cycle, Concurrency Control, Externalization, Relationship, Transaction, Query, Licensing, Property, Time, Security, Trading, and Collections. | Adopted |
CORBA_2.0 | 1997 | Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, Revision 2.0 | This specification defines the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Revision 2.0. The original version was published in July 1995, updated in July 1996, and moved to Revision 2.1 in August 1997. | Adopted |
CORBA_2.3.1 | 1999 | Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, Revision 2.3.1 | This specification defines the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Revision 2.3.1. | Adopted |
CORBA_IDL | 1998 | IDL/Java Language Mapping | This document defines the mapping between OMG IDL and Java so that Object Services may be invoked from a Java environment. | Adopted |
G302 | 1993 | Systems Management: Managed Object Guide (XMOG) | This guide is one of several documents within the Systems Management program, the primary aim of which is to promote development of management software that allows an administrator of a distributed system to manage a network of heterogeneous systems as a single logical system. This guide introduces the essential nature of managed objects, and the necessary framework for defining them. It discusses the managed object definition and development process, and explores the issues involved in registering them. It also discusses conformance testing. | Adopted |
X01OB | 2001 | Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) V2.3 | This Product Standard defines implementation requirements of the OMG abstract object model. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98OR | 1999 | Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) | This Product Standard defines CORBA objects and object services. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
Operating System Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
1003.1b_1993 | 1993 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interfaces (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment 1: Realtime Extension [C Language] | This standard defines extensions to IEEE P1003.1 for real-time, event-driven applications and deterministic programming. This standard was formerly known as P1003.4. | Adopted |
1003.1c_1995 | 1995 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment 2: Threads Extension [C Language] | This standard defines extensions to IEEE P1003.1 for in-process multi-programming. This standard was formerly known as P1003.4a. | Adopted |
1003.1d_1999 | 1999 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment D: Additional Real-time Extensions [C Language] | This standard is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines the applications interface to system services for spawning a process, timeouts for blocking services, sporadic server scheduling, execution time clocks and timers, and advisory information for file management. This standard is stated in terms of its C binding. | Adopted |
1003.1g_2000 | 2000 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment 6: Protocol Independent Interfaces (PII) | This standard is an amendment to POSIX which defines Protocol Independent Interfaces (PII). | Adopted |
1003.1i_1995 | 1995 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment I: Realtime Extensions | This standard defines real-time extensions as technical corrections to 1003.1b. (Now included in 1003.1-1996.) | Adopted |
1003.1j_2000 | 2000 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment J: Advanced Real-time Extensions [C Language] | This standard is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines the applications interface to system services for synchronization, memory management, time management, and thread management. This standard is stated in terms of its C language binding. | Adopted |
1003.1q_2000 | 2000 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - Amendment 6: Tracing [C Language] | This amendment is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. The purpose of this project is to specify a set of interfaces to allow portable access to underlying trace management services by application programs. These underlying services provide access to streams of event data, where the events can be generated by software and/or hardware, either from the application or the operating system. This standard is stated in terms of its C language binding. | Adopted |
1003.1_1990 | 1990 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) | This standard defines IEEE Std 1003.1-1990 (POSIX). It is identical to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990. | Adopted |
1003.1_2001 | 2001 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) | This standard defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. It is the single common revision to IEEE Std 1003.1-1996, IEEE Std 1003.2-1992, and the Base Specifications of The Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. | Adopted |
1003.1_2004 | 2004 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) |
This standard is simultaneously ISO /IEC 9945, IEEE Std 1003.1, and forms the core of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3. This 2004 Edition includes IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 incorporated into IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (the base document). This document supersedes IEEE Std 1003.1-1996 (including 1003.1b-1993, 1003.1c-1995, 1003.1i-1995) and the 1003.1d, 1003.1j, and 1003.1q amendments, and IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 and 1003.2d-1994. This standard defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. |
Adopted |
1003.1_2008 | 2008 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) |
This standard is simultaneously ISO /IEC 9945, IEEE Std 1003.1, and forms the core of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 4. The standard was approved by IEEE on 26 September 2008. This standard defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. |
Adopted |
1003.2d_1994 | 1994 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part A: Shell and Utilities - Amendment 1: Batch Environment | This amendment is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It is a supplement to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992, which defines the applications interface to a shell command language and a set of utility programs for complex data manipulation. This supplement defines the user interface, to a distributed batch queuing environment and includes application environments. | Adopted |
1003.2_1992 | 1992 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities | This standard defines IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (POSIX-2), which is identical to ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993. | Adopted |
ANS_X3.9 | 1978 | American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN | ANS X3.9-1978 specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs expressed in the FORTRAN language. | Adopted |
C035 | 2003 | COE Security Software Requirements Specification (SSRS) | This document was developed by the COE Forum and is based on the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Common Operating Environment (COE) Platform Ccompliance Criteria, Security Software Requirements Specification (SSRS). It documents the security-related criteria for COE Platform Compliance. | Adopted |
C046 | 2004 | Base Definitions (XBD), Issue 6, 2004 Edition | This document is a revision of the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 and ISO/IEC 9945:2003, incorporating IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2002/Cor 1:2003) and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2003/Cor 1:2004). This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 (T041). It provides definitions common to System Interfaces, Issue 6, Shell and Utilities, Issue 6, and Rationale, Issue 6. It contains all the general terms, concepts, and interfaces common to the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 including utility conventions and C-language header definitions. This document was developed by the Austin Group, a joint working group of the IEEE, The Open Group, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22/WG15. | Adopted |
C047 | 2004 | System Interfaces (XSH), Issue 6, 2004 Edition | This document is a revision of the System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 and ISO/IEC 9945:2003, incorporating IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2002/Cor 1:2003) and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2003/Cor 1:2004). This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 (T041). Definitions in common with Shell and Utilities, Issue 6 can be found in Base Definitions, Issue 6. This document includes extensive revisions to the Issue 5 specification so that it is an IEEE Standard, and ISO/IEC Standard, and an Open Group Technical Standard. These include: networking interfaces incorporated from XNS, Issue 5.2; the addition of new functionality for alignment with ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (ISO C); updates to reflect changes in the IEEE P1003.1a draft standard; incorporation of IEEE Std 1003.1d-1999 and IEEE Std 1003.1j-2000; incorporation of IEEE PASC Interpretations and The Open Group Corrigenda and Resolutions. This document was developed by the Austin Group, a joint working group of the IEEE, The Open Group, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22/WG15. | Adopted |
C048 | 2004 | Shell and Utilities (XCU), Issue 6, 2004 Edition | This document is a revision of the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 and ISO/IEC 9945:2003, incorporating IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2002/Cor 1:2003) and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2003/Cor 1:2004). This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 (T041). Definitions in common with System Interfaces, Issue 6 can be found in Base Definitions, Issue 6. This document includes extensive revisions to the Issue 5 specification so that it is an IEEE Standard, an ISO/IEC Standard, and an Open Group Technical Standard. These include: incorporation of the IEEE P1003.2b draft standard, including symbolic links; incorporation of Batch Environment Services and Utilities from IEEE Std 1003.2d-1994; addition of the c99 utility; incorporation of IEEE PASC Interpretations and The Open Group Corrigenda and Resolutions. This document was developed by the Austin Group, a joint working group of the IEEE, The Open Group, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22/WG15. | Adopted |
C049 | 2004 | Rationale [Informative] (XRAT), Issue 6, 2004 Edition | This document is a revision of the Rationale volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 and ISO/IEC 9945:2003, incorporating IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 1-2002 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2002/Cor 1:2003) and IEEE Std 1003.1-2001/Cor 2-2004 (identical to ISO/IEC 9945:2003/Cor 1:2004). This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 (T041). It contains informative text which complements the additional RATIONALE sections that have been added to the reference pages in Base Definitions, Issue 6, System Interfaces, Issue 6, and Shell and Utilities, Issue 6. It includes extended rationale that did not fit well into the rest of the document set. It also contains historical information concerning the contents of the Single UNIX Specification. This document was developed by the Austin Group, a joint working group of the IEEE, The Open Group, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22/WG15. | Adopted |
C062 | 2006 | Extended API Set, Part 1 |
This document has been prepared by The Open Group Base Working Group. Four API sets have been developed and submitted to the Austin Group as input to the revision of the Base Specifications, Issue 6. This first set includes interfaces drawn from glibc and other open source operating systems. These interfaces can be broadly grouped into the following categories:
Adopted |
C063 | 2006 | Extended API Set, Part 2 |
This document has been prepared by The Open Group Base Working Group. Four API sets have been developed and submitted to the Austin Group as input to the revision of the Base Specifications, Issue 6. This second set includes the following interfaces: faccessat(), fchmodat(), fchownat(), fdopendir(), fexecve(), fstatat(), futimesat(), linkat(), mkdirat(), mkfifoat(), mknodat(), openat(), readlinkat(), renameat(), symlinkat(), and unlinkat(). |
Adopted |
C064 | 2006 | Extended API Set, Part 3 |
This document has been prepared by The Open Group Base Working Group. Four API sets have been developed and submitted to the Austin Group as input to the revision of the Base Specifications, Issue 6. This third set of interfaces includes pthread_mutex_consistent(), pthread_mutexattr_getrobust(), and pthread_mutexattr_setrobust(). It also alters the behavior of several other existing mutex APIs, essentially by adding the EOWNERDEAD error return. Robust mutexes are introduced in this set of new interfaces. A robust mutex is simply a mutex with a special robust bit set in its attributes. Whenever a thread that owns a robust mutex terminates, current or future waiters on that mutex will be notified that the owner is dead. Another thread then has the opportunity to take over and clean up the state that was protected by the mutex and to make the mutex once again consistent. |
Adopted |
C065 | 2006 | Extended API Set, Part 4 |
This document has been prepared by The Open Group Base Working Group. Four API sets have been developed and submitted to the Austin Group as input to the revision of the Base Specifications, Issue 6. This fourth set includes the following fundamental interfaces: newlocale(), duplocale(), freelocale(), and uselocale(). In addition to these, all of the ctype.h character categorization functions gain a new locale object counterpart. For example, as well as isalnum(int c), there is an isalnum_l(int c, locale_t l) interface. The former returns true if the character represented by c is alphanumeric. The new interface returns true if the character is alphanumeric in the locale represented by l. This set of new APIs permits individual threads to be in different locales. The major new concept in this set of interfaces is the locale_t object. Applications can create as many locale objects as they require, each one associated with a different locale. Each thread can then choose to use one of these locales, and in doing so does not affect the behavior of any other thread. |
Adopted |
C165 | 2016 | Base Specifications, Issue 7, 2016 Edition |
The Base Specifications, Issue 7 is a single document, containing Base Definitions, System Interfaces, Shell and Utilities, and Rationale. The Base Specifications were developed by the Austin Group, a joint working group of the IEEE, The Open Group, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22. The 2016 Edition incorporates the Single UNIX Specification, Version 4 Technical Corrigendum No. 1 and Technical Corrigendum No. 2. |
Adopted |
C434 | 1994 | System Interface Definitions, Issue 4, Version 2 |
The X/Open System Interface (XSI) specification is divided into two parts: System Interfaces and Headers, and Commands and Utilities. They are accompanied by this third document, System Interface Definitions, that provides definitions common to both parts. As Version 2 of Issue 4, all three documents supersede the previous Issue 4. They are the basis of the Single UNIX Specification. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 95, Base 95, Base, Int. System Calls & Libraries Extd., Int. Systems Calls and Libraries, Commands & Utilities V2, Commands & Utilities. |
Adopted |
C435 | 1994 | System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 4, Version 2 |
The X/Open System Interface (XSI) specification is divided into two parts, of which this is one. The other is Commands and Utilities. They are accompanied by a third document, System Interface Definitions, that provides definitions common to both parts. As Version 2 of Issue 4, all three documents supersede the previous Issue 4. They form the basis of the Single UNIX Specification. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 95, Base 95, Base, Int. System Calls & Libraries Extd., Int. Systems Calls and Libraries, Commands & Utilities. |
Adopted |
C436 | 1994 | Commands and Utilities, Issue 4, Version 2 |
The X/Open System Interface (XSI) specification is divided into two parts, of which this is one. The other is System Interfaces and Headers. They are accompanied by a third document, System Interface Definitions, that provides definitions common to both parts. As Version 2 of Issue 4 all three documents supersede the previous Issue 4. They form the basis of the Single UNIX Specification. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 95, Base 95, Commands & Utilities V2. |
Adopted |
C604 | 1997 | Commands and Utilities, Issue 5 |
This specification forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 (T912) required for the UNIX 98 Brand. Definitions in common with System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 (C606) can be found in System Interface Definitions (C605). This document includes the following changes to the previous specification (C436): addition of the Large File Summit extensions; update of some utilities to reflect changes to IEEE POSIX Realtime and Threads Extensions; addition of the fuser, link, ipcrm, ipcs, and unlink utilities. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 98, UNIX 98 Workstation, Commands & Utilites V3. |
Adopted |
C605 | 1997 | System Interface Definitions, Issue 5 |
This document forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 required for the UNIX 98 Brand. It provides definitions common to the two specifications: System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 (C606) and Commands and Utilities, Issue 5 (C604). Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 98, UNIX 98 Workstation, Int. System Calls & Libraries Ex.V2, Commands & Utilites V3. |
Adopted |
C606 | 1997 | System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 [2 Volumes] |
This specification, in two volumes, forms part of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 (T912) required for the UNIX 98 Brand. Definitions in common with Commands and Utilities, Issue 5 (C604) can be found in System Interface Definitions (C605). This document includes the following changes to the previous specification (C435): interfaces previously defined in the ISO POSIX-2 standard, C Language Binding, Shared Memory, Enhanced Internationalization, and transfer of the UNIX Extension Feature Groups into the BASE; the addition of Threads and a Realtime Threads Feature Group to align with POSIX; Multibyte Support Extension (MSE) to align with ISO/IEC; Large File Summit (LFS) Extensions for support of 64-bit or larger files and file-systems; X/Open-specific Threads extensions and dynamic linking. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 98, UNIX 98 Workstation, Int. System Calls & Libraries Ex.V2. |
Adopted |
COE_CPCC | 2003 | COE Cross-Application Platform Compliance Criteria | This document defines the Common Operating Environment (COE) Cross-Application Platform Compliance Criteria, as published by DISA. | Adopted |
COE_PGRM | 2000 | COE Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual (PGRM) for Kernel, Version | This document is the Common Operating Environment (COE) Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual (PGRM) for Kernel, Version, document reference CM 30593. | Adopted |
FIPS_151-2 | 1993 | Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] | This document defines the NIST Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 151-2. It is related to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990. | Adopted |
G032 | 2003 | UNIX® Internationalization Guide | This document describes the internationalization facilities provided by the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3, which incorporates IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition (POSIX). Whether you are an experienced developer, a system implementer, a technical manager, or a user of open systems, this book provides the solid base of information you need to exploit the multi-language features of implementations that conform to Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification. The complete 4000-page Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 is included on the CD-ROM in HTML and PDF formats. | Adopted |
G041 | 2004 | Single UNIX® Specification, Authorized Guide to Version 3 | The Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 is the result of the industry initiative to standardize the UNIX operating system, and is the industry-recognized mark for leading-edge operating environments. Whether you are an experienced developer, a system implementer, a technical manager, or a user of Open Systems, this book provides the solid base of information you need to exploit this powerful software technology. This book provides complete information on what's new in Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification and comprehensive reference material. What's more, it's authoritative, with papers written by the Chair of the Austin Group and the Vice-Chair of The Open Group Base Working Group. | Adopted |
G101 | 2010 | The Single UNIX® Specification: Authorized Guide to Version 4 |
This Source Book provides complete information on what's new in the Single UNIX Specification, Version 4, including POSIX.1-2008, with comprehensive reference material on every aspect. It is designed for users, developers, and implementers of open systems. It provides a detailed overview of all the parts of the Single UNIX Specification, Version 4 including:
As well as detailed descriptions of the changes, it also includes overview migration tables for easy reference. |
Adopted |
G501 | 1995 | XPG3-XPG4 Base Migration Guide, Version 2 | This document provides guidance for developers migrating applications from XPG3 Base branded systems and traditional UNIX systems to XPG4 Base 95 and UNIX 95 branded systems. It is intended for application developers, who are expected to be experienced C-language programmers or familiar with the shell command language and utilities. It is also intended for interactive users of the shell interpreter. It provides useful information for implementers. | Adopted |
ISO_4217 | 2001 | Codes for the Representation of Currencies and Funds | Adopted | |
ISO_646 | 1991 | Information Technology - ISO 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Interchange | ISO/IEC 646:1991 specifies a set of 128 control and graphic characters such as letters, digits, and symbols with their coded representation. Applies to alphabets of the Latin script. | Adopted |
ISO_9899_1999 | 1999 | Programming Languages - C | This standard defines the C programming language. | Adopted |
ISO_9945-1_1990 | 1990 | Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] | This standard defines POSIX. It is identical to IEEE Std 1003.1-1990. | Adopted |
ISO_9945-1_1996 | 1996 | Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] | This standard is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines the applications interface to basic system services for input/output, file system access, and process management. It is identical to IEEE Std 1003.1-1996. It incorporates IEEE Std 1003.1-1990, IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993, IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995, and IEEE Std 1003.1i-1995. | Adopted |
ISO_9945-1_2003 | 2003 | Information Technology – Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – Part 1: Base Definitions |
This document is technically identical to the Base Definitions volume of The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 6 and IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003 is a minor revision and, together with ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2003 and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2003, cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 9945-1:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-2:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2002, and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2002. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is the single common revision to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (IEEE Std 1003.1-1996), ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992), and the Base Specifications of The Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is intended to be used by both applications developers and system implementers and comprises four major components (each in an associated volume). |
Adopted |
ISO_9945-2_1993 | 1993 | Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities | This standard defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or 'shell'), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. Identical to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992. | Adopted |
ISO_9945-2_2003 | 2003 | Information Technology – Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – Part 2: System Interfaces | This standard defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. It is the single common revision to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (IEEE Std 1003.1-1996), ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992), and the Base Specifications of The Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. | Adopted |
ISO_9945-3_2003 | 2003 | Information Technology – Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – Part 3: Shell and Utilities |
This document is technically identical to the Shell and Utilities volume of The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 6 and IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003 is a minor revision and, together with ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2003 and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2003, cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 9945-1:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-2:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2002 and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2002. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is the single common revision to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (IEEE Std 1003.1-1996), ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992), and the Base Specifications of The Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is intended to be used by both applications developers and system implementors and comprises four major components (each in an associated volume). |
Adopted |
ISO_9945-4_2003 | 2003 | Information Technology – Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) – Part 4: Rationale |
This document is technically identical to the Rationale volume of The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 6 and IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or shell), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003 is a minor revision and, together with ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2003, and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2003, cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 9945-1:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-2:2002, ISO/IEC 9945-3:2002, and ISO/IEC 9945-4:2002. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is the single common revision to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (IEEE Std 1003.1-1996), ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993 (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992), and the Base Specifications of The Open Group Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. ISO/IEC 9945:2003 (parts 1 to 4) is intended to be used by both applications developers and system implementers and comprises four major components (each in an associated volume). |
Adopted |
Linux_1.3 | 2002 | Linux Standard Base Specification 1.3 | The Linux Standard Base (LSB) 1.3 release consists of the common specification, and a processor-specific specification for the IA32, IA64, and PPC32 architectures. These documents should be used together to obtain the complete specification. | Adopted |
P1003.1a | IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) - (C Language) Amendment | This draft standard defines POSIX. | Superseded | |
P1003.2b | IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities - Amendment | This standard is an amendment to POSIX which defines the Shell and Utilities. | Superseded | |
RFC_1533 | 1993 | DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions | The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. | Adopted |
RFC_1541 | 1993 | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. DHCP is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), adding the capability of automatic allocation of re-usable network addresses and additional configuration options. | Adopted |
RFC_1542 | 1993 | Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol | Improved definition of the BOOTP protocol originally defined in RFC 1532. This RFC adds the behavior of BOOTP relay agents (formally BOOTP fowarding agents) and description of client behavior, together with treatment of some new issues. | Adopted |
RFC_951 | 1985 | Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) | This RFC describes an IP/UDP bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) which allows a diskless client machine to discover its own IP address, the address of a server host, and the name of a file to be loaded into memory and executed. | Adopted |
X02CP | 2003 | COE Platform V1 | This Product Standard provides a foundation for building open systems based on the US DoD COE Compliance Criteria. It is a 'plug-and-play' open architecture designed around a client/server model. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X02CQ | 2003 | COE Platform Government-Supplied Kernel Source | This Product Standard describes a common set of functionality that includes: print services, system management services, an accounts and profile manager (APM), segment installer, runtime tools, developer tools, audit log file manager, and an application program interface. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X02CR | 2003 | COE Platform Security | This Product Standard identifies security-related criteria for COE Platform compliance. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X02CS | 2003 | COE Platform Standards | This Product Standard covers the formal standards and specifications for which a COE Platform should be demonstrated as being in conformance. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X03CX | 2003 | Commands and Utilities V4 | This Product Standard provides a command interface to a range of system utilities. It is an enhanced version of the Commands and Utilities V3 Product Standard and is required for UNIX 03. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X03SD | 2003 | Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended V3 | This Product Standard is the foundation for conformance to the UNIX 03 Product Standard. It is an enhanced version of the Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended V2 Product Standard. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X03XY | 2003 | UNIX 03 | This Product Standard is an enhanced version of the UNIX 98 Product Standard. It is aligned with the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3, which aligns with ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (ISO C 99), IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, and ISO/IEC 9945:2003. For more detail, refer to the UNIX system web site. | Adopted |
X041 | 2004 | COE Platform Certification Policy, Version 2 | This document defines the policies that govern the operation of The Open Group COE Platform certification program. These policies define what can be certified, what it means to be certified, and the process for achieving and maintaining certification. This document is intended primarily for suppliers who would like to certify a product. This policy and the components it references, in conjunction with the appropriate Certification Agreement and the TMLA, constitute the requirements and obligations for achieving certification. Buyers intending to procure Certified Products will also find this document useful for understanding what they can expect from a Certified Product. Further information can be found at | Adopted |
X04CD | 2004 | COE Platform Standards V2 | This Product Standard covers the formal standards and specifications for which a COE platform should be demonstrated as being in conformance. This version has been updated for alignment with UNIX 03 and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X04CG | 2004 | COE Platform Government-Supplied Kernel Source V2 | This Product Standard describes a common set of functionality that includes print services, system management services, an accounts and profile manager (APM), segment installer, runtime tools, developer tools, audit log file manager, and an application program interface. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X04CP | 2004 | COE Linux Platform V1 | This is the foundation Product Standard for the COE Linux Platform. The Common Operating Environment (COE) provides a foundation for building open systems. It is a 'plug-and-play' open architecture designed around a client/server model. The COE is designed to run on servers, workstations, and personal computers and provides the capability for applications to share data and services/functions at the server level. This Product Standard is for systems meeting the Linux Application Platform Compliance Criteria. | Adopted |
X04CQ | 2004 | COE Linux Platform Government-Supplied Kernel Source | This Product Standard describes a common set of functionality for the COE Linux Platform that includes print services, system management services, accounts and profile manager (APM), segment installer, runtime tools, developer tools, audit log file manager, and application program interface. The availability of COE Linux Platform implementations providing this functionality assures that the human-computer interfaces are functionally identical across multiple application platforms. | Adopted |
X04CS | 2004 | COE Linux Platform Specifications | This Product Standard covers the specifications for which a COE Linux Platform should be demonstrated as being in conformance. An application executing on a conforming COE Linux Platform implementation shall have simultaneous access to all services associated with these specifications. | Adopted |
X04PL | 2004 | COE Platform V2 | This Product Standard provides a foundation for building open systems. It is a 'plug-and-play' open architecture designed around a client/server model. For more detail, refer to the COE Platform Certification Program. | Adopted |
X04XY | 2004 | UNIX 03 Server | This Product Standard is a superset of the UNIX 03 Product Standard. It adds interoperability services to the UNIX 03 Product Standard to support Internet and intranet services. This includes support of network clients and the presence of a mandatory Java execution environment. | Adopted |
X1201 | 2012 | UNIX® V7 |
The UNIX V7 Product Standard is a significantly enhanced version of the UNIX 03 Product Standard. The most significant change is alignment with the Single UNIX Specification, Version 4 that includes The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 7, and approved Technical Corrigenda (if any). This version is an update to allow certified systems to support Role-Based Access Control as an option. For more information see the UNIX system web site. |
Adopted |
X98CU | 1998 | Commands and Utilities | This Product Standard provides a command interface to a range of system utilities. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98CV | 1998 | Commands and Utilities V2 | This Product Standard provides a command interface to a range of system utilities. It includes conformance to POSIX.2 and is required for UNIX 95. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98CW | 1998 | Commands and Utilities V3 | This Product Standard provides a command interface to a range of system utilities. It includes conformance to POSIX.2. It is an enhanced version of the Commands and Utilities V2 Product Standard, and is required for UNIX 98. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98LA | 1998 | Ada Language | This Product Standard provides the Ada programming language definition and environment. | Adopted |
X98LC | 1998 | COBOL Language | This Product Standard provides the COBOL language definition, which is based on ISO COBOL. It includes extensions to support internationalization, to provide facilities for screen handling for interactive applications, and to allow file sharing and locking. | Adopted |
X98LF | 1998 | FORTRAN Language | This Product Standard provides the FORTRAN 77 language definition. | Adopted |
X98LL | 1998 | C Language | This Product Standard defines ISO C and X/Open Common Usage C. It is required for UNIX 95 and UNIX 98. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98LP | 1998 | Pascal Language | This Product Standard provides the Pascal language definition. The X/Open specification for Pascal is the formal definition given in ISO 7185:1983. | Adopted |
X98RT | 1998 | Multi-Purpose Realtime Operating System | This Product Standard defines interfaces and functionality to support the source portability of applications with realtime requirements. | Adopted |
X98SC | 1998 | Internationalized System Calls and Libraries | This Product Standard defines operating system kernel and header files. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98SE | 1998 | Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended | This Product Standard is an extended version of the Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Product Standard, and is required for UNIX 95. It is intended to produce a single common API specification capable of supporting a wide range of historical applications, in addition to standard Base/POSIX-conformant applications. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98SI | 1998 | Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended V2 | This Product Standard is the foundation for conformance to the UNIX 98 Product Standard. It is an enhanced version of the Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended Product Standard. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XB | 1998 | Base | This Product Standard is a transition to encourage migration to the 1993 POSIX-2 standard. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XC | 1998 | Base 95 | This Product Standard is an enhancement to the Base Product Standard and defines a platform for a variety of portable application programs. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XE | 1998 | UNIX 98 Server | This Product Standard is a superset of the UNIX 98 Product Standard. It adds interoperability services to support Internet and intranet services. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XU | 1998 | UNIX 95 | This Product Standard provides a consolidated platform for the support of a wide range of applications. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XW | 1998 | UNIX 98 Workstation | This Product Standard is the same as the UNIX 98 Product Standard, with the addition of the requirement to also conform to the Common Desktop Environment Product Standard. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XX | 1998 | UNIX 98 | This Product Standard includes Threads, Multi-byte Support Extension (MSE), Large File Support, Dynamic Linking, Data Size-neutral (N-bit clean), and Y2K. It is an enhanced version of the UNIX 95 Product Standard, and is for systems conforming to Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
XP | 1991 | XPG3 Plus Profile | Branding Profile definition: Incorporates components XPG3 Internationalized System Calls and Libraries, XPG3 Commands and Utilities, XPG3 C Language, XPG3 ISAM, XPG3 Transport Interface, XPG3 COBOL Language, XPG3 Pascal Language, XPG3 FORTRAN Language, XPG3 SQL, XPG3 Terminal Interfaces and XPG3 Window Management | Withdrawn |
Quality of Service
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
G136 | 2013 | Cloud Performance Metrics |
With the rapid increase in cloud services, cloud providers, personal clouds, business integrated clouds, and other cloud capabilities in the marketplace, the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively compare cloud services being offered, or indeed examine your services subjectively against your competitors, is becoming more relevant to businesses. For these comparisons to be meaningful, it is important to have at hand a set of relevant, practical, and diverse metrics with which to build up a wide picture of relative cloud services performance. This Guide aims to present the reader with a set of metrics that can be selected as an aid to examining key indicative measures when executing cloud service performance analysis. |
Adopted |
G145 | 2014 | Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Contract Guide | This Guide serves as a reference for including FACE specific requirements in a solicitation or proposal. | Adopted |
G165 | 2016 | Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Overview | This document provides an overview of the processes, documents, and tools produced by The Open Group Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Consortium and the activities and relationships necessary to support the FACE Enterprise. | Adopted |
G166 | 2016 | Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Problem Report (PR) and Change Request (CR) Process | This document defines the FACE Problem Report (PR) and Change Request (CR) process, used by the Open Group Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Consortium to track and resolve issues with products created and maintained by the FACE Consortium. | Adopted |
X1608 | 2016 | Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™): Conformance Policy, Version 2.0 |
This document defines the processes and policies that govern the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Conformance Program. The goal of the FACE Conformance Program is to provide a trusted, accessible, and fair process for achieving FACE Conformance Certification. These processes and policies define what can be certified, what it means to be certified, and the process for achieving certification. They also define the obligations on Software Suppliers for FACE Conformance Certification. This document is intended for those interested in the certification of a Unit of Conformance (UoC) or a UoC Package. A UoC Package is a valid set of UoCs as defined in the FACE Technical Standard. This policy – in conjunction with the Technical Standard and Certification Agreement – constitutes the set of requirements and obligations for achieving FACE Conformance Certification. Buyers – for example, government stakeholders intending to procure FACE Certified UoCs – will also find this document useful for understanding what they can expect from a FACE Certified UoC. |
Adopted |
Security and Risk Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C013 | 2001 | CDSA/CSSM Authentication: Human Recognition Service (HRS) API V2 | The CDSA/HRS (Common Data Security Architecture: Human Recognition Service) API uses the EMM (Elective Module Manager) facilities provided in the CDSA CSSM (Common Security Services Manager), to provide a generic authentication service for CDSA. It provides a high-level generic authentication model that is suited to use with any form of human authentication, for operation with CDSA. Particular emphasis has been put on designing it for performing authentication using biometric technolgy. CDSA/HRS covers the basic functions of Enrollment, Verification, and Identification, and includes a database interface to allow a Biometric Service Provider (BSP) to manage the identification population for optimum performance. It also provides primitives which allow an application to manage the capture of samples on a client, and the functions of Enrollment, Verification, and Identification on a server. It is designed to support multiple authentication methods, both singularly and when used in a combination or layered manner. This API was developed by the BioAPI Consortium, using earlier work from several interest groups. It is based on the BioAPI Consortium's published Version 1.0 8, March 20, 2000. | Adopted |
C103 | 2010 | FAIR - ISO/IEC 27005 Cookbook | This Technical Guide describes in detail how to apply the FAIR (Factor Analysis for Information Risk) methodology to any selected risk management framework. It uses ISO/IEC 27005 as the example risk assessment framework. FAIR is complementary to all other risk assessment models/frameworks, including COSO, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27002, COBIT, OCTAVE, etc. It provides an engine that can be used in other risk models to improve the quality of the risk assessment results. The Cookbook enables risk technology practitioners to follow by example how to apply FAIR to other risk assessment models/frameworks of their choice. | Adopted |
C111 | 2011 | Open Automated Compliance Expert Markup Language (O-ACEML) | This document is The Open Group Standard for the Open Automated Compliance Expert Markup Language (O-ACEML). This standard enables enterprises to automate security compliance for their systems in a consistent manner, thereby assuring compliance with applicable regulations, while also achieving major cost savings. From the compliance audit viewpoint, auditors can carry out similarly consistent and more complete audits in reduced time and at lower cost. | Adopted |
C125 | 2012 | Authorization Roles Managed On RBAC (O-ARMOR) | This Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) standard defines a set of authorizations consistent with the generally accepted tasks assigned to administrative users, granting them the privileges necessary to perform their administrative duties, within a common set of administrative roles to be predefined on UNIX systems. Although the exact authorizations and privileges will be unique to each implementation of UNIX, the general spirit of the roles will hold true. This standard also specifies an optional API that can be used to check whether a user has been given a particular authorization through RBAC. | Adopted |
C133 | 2012 | Dependency Modeling (O-DM) |
This O-DM standard defines how to construct a data model to manage risk and build trust on organizational dependencies between enterprises, or between operational divisions in a large organization. It involves constructing a data model for key dependencies, then assigning quantitative risk sensitivities for each dependency component in the model. The results of running a calculation on this data model highlight those areas of highest sensitivity – i.e., significant risk – so informing business decision-makers where investment in reducing their exposure to external risks will result in best return. The O-DM analytical process facilitates organizational agility through ease of adjusting and evolving the model to show how changing operations to reduce risk on key dependencies will impact an organization's exposure to external risks. This standard represents a significant addition to The Open Group Risk Management publications. |
Adopted |
C13G | 2013 | Risk Analysis (O-RA) | This document is The Open Group Standard for Risk Analysis (O-RA), which provides a set of standards for various aspects of information security risk analysis. It is a companion document to the Risk Taxonomy (O-RT) Standard (C13K). | Adopted |
C13K | 2013 | Risk Taxonomy (O-RT), Version 2.0 |
This document is The Open Group Standard for Risk Taxonomy (O-RT), Version 2.0. It is an updated version of the Risk Taxonomy Standard (C081) that was published in January 2009. This document provides a standard definition and taxonomy for information security risk, as well as information regarding how to use the taxonomy. |
Adopted |
C142 | 2014 | Open Secure Mobile Architecture (O-SMA): Reference Architecture and Implementation Guidance | This O-SMA Standard expands on the SMA interoperability and other mobile architecture issues raised in the SMA Snapshot published in March 2013. It specifies a Reference Architecture for Secure Mobile Architectures. It includes Appendices that provide a traceability matrix linking SMA requirements to where they are defined in the Standard, and that present guidance for implementers. This Standard enables implementation of SMA for all mobile application areas, as exemplified in the list of use-cases it describes. | Adopted |
C147 | 2014 | Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS), Version 1.1 |
The O-TTPS is an open standard containing a set of organizational guidelines, requirements, and recommendations for integrators, providers, and component suppliers to enhance the security of the global supply chain and the integrity of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information and communication technology (ICT). This standard if properly adhered to will help assure against maliciously tainted and counterfeit products throughout the COTS ICT product life cycle encompassing the following phases: design, sourcing, build, fulfillment, distribution, sustainment, and disposal. The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF) is a global initiative that invites industry, government, and other interested participants to work together to evolve this document and other OTTF deliverables. |
Adopted |
C147CH | 2015 | Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS), Version 1.1 (Chinese Translation) |
作为一套开放标准,O-TTPS 为集成商、提供商及组件供应商提供了一系列组织指南、要求与建议,旨在提高全球供应链的安全性和商用现货 (COTS) 信息与通信技术 (ICT) 的完整性。 若得以严格遵守,本标准将有助于确保 COTS ICT 产品在设计、采购、构造、实施、分发、维护及处置等产品生命周期的各个阶段,免遭恶意污染和伪冒。 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF) 是一个全球计划,诚邀各行业、政府及其他利益相关参与者紧密合作,以改进本文档及其他 OTTF 交付内容。 The O-TTPS is an open standard containing a set of organizational guidelines, requirements, and recommendations for integrators, providers, and component suppliers to enhance the security of the global supply chain and the integrity of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information and communication technology (ICT). This standard if properly adhered to will help assure against maliciously tainted and counterfeit products throughout the COTS ICT product life cycle encompassing the following phases: design, sourcing, build, fulfillment, distribution, sustainment, and disposal. The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF) is a global initiative that invites industry, government, and other interested participants to work together to evolve this document and other OTTF deliverables. |
Adopted |
C17B | 2017 | Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3), Version 2.0 | The Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3) is The Open Group framework for managing information security. It aims to ensure that security processes operate at a level consistent with business requirements. ISM3 is technology-neutral and focuses on the common processes of information security which most organizations share. As well as complementing the TOGAF model for enterprise architecture, ISM3 defines operational metrics and their allowable variances. | Adopted |
C441 | 1995 | Generic Security Service API (GSS-API) Base | This document defines an application programming interface that provides security services to callers in a generic fashion. It is supportable by a range of underlying mechanisms and technologies, allowing source-level portability of applications to different environments. This document is based on RFC 1508 and RFC 1509, which specify the Internet standards track protocol. It is technically equivalent to RFC 1508 and RFC 1509, but it identifies future changes. | Adopted |
C529 | 1995 | X/Open Baseline Security Services (XBSS) |
XBSS consists of a specification covering a base set of security-related functionality to be provided by open systems and the default settings of security-related parameters associated with such systems. XBSS will be used as part of the Security Brand for systems that guarantee to support security as defined in this specification. It has been developed to provide buyers of registered products with assurance that such systems provide a defined minimum level of protection. This document is targeted at security specialists who provide technical guidance to product procurers and product suppliers. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: Baseline Security 96. |
Adopted |
C908 | 2000 | Authorization (AZN) API | A generally accepted definition of authorization is the granting of access rights to a subject (for example, a user or a program). Within this definition we need to distinguish between the administrative act of asserting that a subject should be granted access rights (termed 'privilege attributes') and the operational act of allowing a subject to access a resource after determining that they hold the required set of privilege attributes. This Technical Standard defines a generic application programming interface for access control, in systems whose access control facilities conform to the architectural framework described in ISO 10181-3 (Access Control Framework). The API defined in this document does not provide for privilege attribute administration, although it does provide facilities which allow a subject to control which of its privilege attributes are used to authorize a particular access request (such facilities are often called 'least privilege'). | Adopted |
C914 | 2000 | Common Security: CDSA and CSSM, Version 2 (with corrigenda) |
CDSA is a set of layered security services that provides the infrastructure for extensible and interoperable security solutions. It provides complete flexibility through the use of plug-in security modules that use common Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). CDSA provides all the essential components of security capability, and enables implementers and application writers to gear their security solutions to their business needs. The launch by Intel in May 2000 of their implementation of 'CDSA as Open Source' is intended to match this document. Changes in this document comprise corrections collected in a corrigendum and applied to the text alongside an extensive restructuring to eliminate unnecessary duplication of definitions and description. The corrigendum changes follow extensive implementation experience between November 1999 and April 2000. |
Adopted |
G031 | 2004 | Security Design Patterns | This Technical Guide provides a pattern-based security design methodology and a system of security design patterns. This methodology, with the pattern catalog, enables system architects and designers to develop security architectures which meet their particular requirements. | Adopted |
G052 | 2005 | Guide to Digital Rights Management | This Guide provides an introduction to some of the key concepts and technologies relating to Digital Rights Management (DRM). It covers issues relating to rights management both for entertainment media and for business information and looks at security considerations for DRM implementations. | Adopted |
G061 | 2006 | Framework for Control over Electronic Chattel Paper |
This Guide provides a framework for analyzing when and if a party is able to show 'control' over electronic chattel paper (ECP) pursuant to UCC Section 9-105. Control over electronic chattel paper is a collaborative project between the Working Group on Transferability of Electronic Financial Assets, a joint working group of the Committee on Cyberspace Law and the Committee on the Uniform Commercial Code of the American Bar Association Business Law Section, and The Open Group. |
Adopted |
G062 | 2006 | S/MIME Secure Messaging Architecture | This document offers a high-level description of the S/MIME Secure Messaging Architecture. References are included to full definitions of individual components, upon which The Open Group S/MIME Secure Messaging certification program is based. This document is intended for anyone involved in the planning, design, or deployment of a secure messaging system based on the S/MIME set of standards. | Adopted |
G071 | 2007 | Core Identifier Framework Matrix |
This document is the Core Identifier Framework Matrix. It provides a reference point for identifier classifications, and provides a basis for the selection of an identifier form for a global standard common core identifier. This document was developed by the Core Identifier Work Group, a joint initiative of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), the Network Applications Consortium (NAC), and The Open Group. |
Adopted |
G072 | 2007 | Architectures for Identity Management |
This Guide addresses the key issues that an enterprise architect needs to consider in the process of developing an enterprise identity management architecture, and discusses practical aspects which influence decision-making during that process. It focuses on the business perspective, but also includes consideration of individual, social, governmental, and economic perspectives. We believe this Guide represents today's common practice on the essential activities of architecture design and deployment as applied to architecting Identity Management infrastructures, and hope architecture practitioners will find it useful as a guide to steering an effective course to the delivery of demonstrable and measurable business benefit. This Guide is aimed primarily at the enterprise architect undertaking the design of an information infrastructure to support internal and external user-based collaboration and commerce. |
Adopted |
G081 | 2009 | Requirements for Risk Assessment Methodologies |
This Guide identifies and describes the key characteristics that make up any effective risk assessment methodology, thus providing a common set of criteria for evaluating any given risk assessment methodology against a clearly defined common set of essential requirements. In this way, it explains what features to look for when evaluating the capabilities of any given methodology, and the value those features represent. This Guide is the second of an initial set of three Open Group publications addressing Risk Management. |
Adopted |
G112 | 2011 | Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA) |
This Open Enterprise Security Architecture (O-ESA) Guide provides a valuable reference resource for practicing security architects and designers. It gives a comprehensive overview of the key security issues, principles, components, and concepts underlying architectural decisions that are involved when designing effective enterprise security architectures. It does not define a specific enterprise security architecture, and neither is it a "how to" guide to design one, although in places it does indicate some of the "how". This Guide updates the NAC 2004 ESA Guide to bring it up-to-date in those areas which have evolved since its 2004 publication date. In particular, it replaces the quoted extract licensed from the British Standards Institute Code of Practice for Information Security Management, by referencing rather than licensing reproduction of quoted extracts from the latest ISO/IEC 27001/2 standard. |
Adopted |
G125 | 2014 | Optimizing ISO/IEC 27001:2013 using O-ISM3 | This Guide is aimed at users of the well-established ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Standard, to explain how The Open Group O-ISM3 Standard (C102) complements and extends ISO/IEC 27001 by adding further security management controls and applying security performance metrics. These extend the capability of the ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) so that it will deliver specific measurements on ISMS performance against target business security objectives, so optimizing informed decision-making on cost-effective ISMS investment that aligns with an organization's business objectives. | Adopted |
G127 | 2012 | Framework for Secure Collaboration-Oriented Architectures (O-SCOA) |
This Open Group Framework for Secure Collaboration-Oriented Architectures (O-SCOA) specifies the requirements for secure design of enterprise IT architectures that support deperimeterized operations. The Secure COA Framework was originally developed by the Jericho Forum and published in a series of 23 Secure COA Requirements Papers over the period 2006 to 2009. This Guide collates all these Secure COA Requirements Papers, along with the Jericho Forum Commandments (design principles) that they adhere to, into a single readily-accessible publication. It specifies all the essential components required for architecting secure systems for deployment in de-perimeterized environments; i.e., without depending on securing the corporate perimeter. |
Adopted |
G128 | 2012 | Jericho Forum® Identity Commandments: Key Concepts |
Having confidence in the true Identity of who and what we connect with in our global online world is vital when using IT for buying and selling goods, and when sharing information. Trusted Identity is important to every person who wants to own a trusted digital identity which is safe from identity theft and guards their privacy. Recognizing how important this is to assuring safe and secure online operations, we have followed up our Identity Commandments (W125) with a set of five "identity" video cartoons (here) explaining in non-identity expert terms why trusted online identity is so important, and those key things that any identity ecosystem solution needs to provide. This Guide builds on these five videos to explain in more depth but also in similar plain language why a trusted identity ecosystem is so important to everyone. |
Adopted |
G141 | 2014 | Trust Ecosystem | A trust ecosystem enables emerging data-centric protection features and capabilities – in particular Smart Data (see The Open Group White Paper W140) to operate to their optimum potential. The Jericho Forum Commandments (see The Open Group White Paper W124, May 2007) Commandment #8 states that in any environment, secure data is data that remains protected to the required level when outside an entity owner's direct locus of control, and Commandment #9 states that access to data should be controlled by security attributes of the data itself; i.e., data-centric security. In today's Cloud Computing and other globally distributed environments, we can no longer know where our data might be located or in whose hands it may rest. Operating in a trust ecosystem maintains optimum protection over the data, thereby maintaining its business value as usable as intended but protected from misuse. | Adopted |
G151 | 2015 | Implementation Guide to Leveraging Open Trusted Technology Providers in the Supply Chain |
This Implementation Guide demonstrates how the Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS), a standard of The Open Group, developed by The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum (OTTF), can address some of the supply chain best practices that may be relevant to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Note that the O-TTPS (Standard) was approved and published as ISO/IEC 20243:2015 in September 2015 – they are technically equivalent. |
Adopted |
G167 | 2016 | The Open FAIR™ – NIST Cybersecurity Framework Cookbook | This document describes in detail how to apply the Open FAIR factor analysis for information risk methodology to the NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (NIST Cybersecurity Framework). The Cookbook demonstrates how the Open FAIR Control Categories relate to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and shows how Open FAIR Risk Analysis satisfies the goals of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Risk Assessment. | Adopted |
G169 | 2017 | O-TTPS for ICT Product Integrity and Supply Chain Security |
This Management Guide provides guidance on why a technology provider should use the Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS) – Mitigating the Risk of Tainted and Counterfeit Products (approved by ISO/IEC as ISO/IEC 20243:2015) and why they should consider certification to publicly register their conformance to the standard. This Guide should be of interest to:
Adopted |
G206 | 1992 | Defining and Buying Secure Open Systems | This Guide is about the suitability of open systems in areas where sensitive data is handled. It gives an introduction to the basic principles of security and provides a procurement methodology. It is intended for anyone planning to purchase a secure system; no special knowledge of security terminology is required. | Adopted |
G410 | 1994 | Distributed Security Framework (XDSF) | This document describes the X/Open Distributed Security Framework (XDSF). It identifies information system security services required to meet the needs of distributed information systems and provides guidance on the specification and integration of these services. This document is intended for programmers who are concerned with future specifications of security services developed by The Open Group, and security aspects in other Open Group Specifications. | Adopted |
G801 | 1999 | Architecture for Public-Key Infrastructure (APKI) | This Guide describes the requirements for a Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI). A high-level structure is presented which groups the PKI architecture's components into broad functional categories. The functionality of each component is described, together with existing specifications which could serve as candidates for each component's interface and protocols. It is assumed that these candidate interface and protocol specifications will serve as base documents for open standardization processes. | Adopted |
G905 | 2001 | CDSA Explained, Second Edition | The Guide is intended as an introductory text for CIOs, Security Managers, and anyone whose role draws them towards communications and data security problems in the emerging Internet and Intranet application space, or anyone with a procurement role involving identification and specification of industry-standard and industry-proven security products. It explains how applications can use CDSA, the benefits derived from its use, and the deployment timeline. | Adopted |
ISO_20243 | 2015 | Information Technology – Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) – Mitigating Maliciously Tainted and Counterfeit Products | ISO/IEC 20243:2015 is the Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS) and the normative terminology that should be understood in relation to specific requirements and recommendations found in Chapter 4 of this document. | Adopted |
ISO_7498-2 | 1989 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 2: Security Architecture | ISO 7498-2 provides a general description of security services and related mechanisms, which can be ensured by the Reference Model, and of the positions within the Reference Model where the services and mechanisms may be provided. Extends the field of application of ISO 7498 to cover secure communications between open systems. Adds to the concepts and principles included in ISO 7498 but does not modify them. There is no implementation specification, nor a basis for assessing the conformance of actual implementations. | Adopted |
ISO_7816 | 2011 | Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit Cards - Part 1: Cards with Contacts - Physical Characteristics | ISO/IEC 7816-1 specifies the physical characteristics of integrated circuit cards with contacts. It applies to identification cards of the ID-1 card type, which can include embossing and/or a magnetic stripe and/or tactile identifier mark as specified in ISO/IEC 7811. Test methods are specified in ISO/IEC 10373-1. ISO/IEC 7816-1:2011 applies to cards which have a physical interface with electrical contacts. It does not, however, define the nature, number, and position of the integrated circuits in the cards. | Adopted |
ISO_9594-8 | 2001 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and Attribute Certificate Frameworks | Defines public key-based authentication standards for the X.500 directory service. Also ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (ISO/IEC 9594-8) approved recommendation. | Withdrawn |
RFC_2222 | 1997 | Simple Authentication and Security Layer | Describes a method for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. | Adopted |
RFC_2459 | 1999 | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile | This RFC profiles the X.509 v3 certificate and X.509 v2 CRL for use in the Internet. | Adopted |
RFC_4251 | 2006 | The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture | The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network. This RFC describes the architecture of the SSH protocol, as well as the notation and terminology used in SSH protocol documents. It also discusses the SSH algorithm naming system that allows local extensions. | Adopted |
SSL_2 | 1995 | Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (SSL), Version 2.0 | Specifies Version 2.0 of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL V2.0) protocol, a security protocol that provides privacy over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that cannot be eavesdropped. Servers are always authenticated and clients optionally authenticated. | Adopted |
SSL_3 | 1996 | Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (SSL), Version 3.0 | This document specifies Version 3.0 of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL V3.0) protocol, a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery. | Adopted |
X1301 | 2013 | Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) | The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Product Standard provides aid in the adoption of RBAC technology, by simplifying the use and administration of RBAC through unified role names and APIs. | Adopted |
X1308 | 2013 | The Open Group Certification for People: FAIR Conformance Requirements |
The Open Group Certification for People: Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Open FAIR Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. |
Adopted |
X1604 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: Open FAIR™ Program Configuration | The Open Group Certification for People: Open FAIR Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge covered by the Program. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. | Adopted |
X1615 | 2017 | Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Certification Policy |
The Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Certification Program is designed to certify conformance to the O-TTPS and ISO/IEC 20243. The O-TTPS provides a clear description of a set of best practice requirements and recommendations, that when practically applied, create a business benefit in terms of reduced risk of acquiring tainted or counterfeit products for the technology acquirer. This Certification Policy and its associated documents govern the operation of the O-TTPS Certification Program. This policy defines what can be certified, what it means to be certified, and the process for achieving and maintaining certification. This policy also defines the obligations of Organizations, including a requirement that within a declared Scope of Certification it meets the Conformance Requirements, which include conformance to a defined version of the O-TTPS as interpreted by the OTTF. This Certification Policy – in conjunction with the Conformance Requirements (X1616), Certification Agreement, and Trademark License Agreement – constitute the set of requirements and obligations for achieving certification. |
Adopted |
X1616 | 2017 | Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Conformance Requirements Version 1 |
The Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Certification Program is designed to certify conformance to the O-TTPS and ISO/IEC 20243. The O-TTPS provides a clear description of a set of best practice requirements and recommendations, that when practically applied, create a business benefit in terms of reduced risk of acquiring tainted or counterfeit products for the technology acquirer. This Conformance Requirements document defines the criteria that an Organization must meet to achieve certification for the Organization’s declared Scope of Certification. The Conformance Requirements – in conjunction with the Certification Policy (X1615), Certification Agreement, and Trademark License Agreement – constitute the set of requirements and obligations for achieving certification. |
Adopted |
X98SS | 1998 | Secure Communications Services | This Product Standard defines a secure communication context for interoperation as part of a distributed system. The secure context must support the authentication and integrity feature sets defined in the X/Open GSS-API specification. | Adopted |
X98XS | 1998 | Baseline Security 98 | This Product Standard defines a guaranteed minimum level of security functionality that products must provide. | Adopted |
Software Engineering Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
1003.23 | 1998 | IEEE Guide for Developing User Organization Open System Environment (OSE) Profiles | This guide presents an overview of user organization Open System Environment (OSE) Profiles and their application. It is intended to assist users, planners, and implementers in developing user organization OSE profiles that address the operational requirements of the organization; related information technology services; and the standards, standards options, and interim solutions that will meet those requirements. The guide also includes conformance testing and transition planning considerations as well as examples of user organization OSE profiles. | Adopted |
1471_2000 | 2000 | IEEE Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems | This recommended practice addresses the activities of the creation, analysis, and sustainment of architectures of software-intensive systems, and the recording of such architectures in terms of architectural descriptions. A conceptual framework for architectural description is established. The content of an architectural description is defined. Annexes provide the rationale for key concepts and terminology, the relationships to other standards, and examples of usage. (Identical to ISO/IEC 42010:2000.) | Adopted |
Annotated_C | 1990 | Annotated C++ Reference Manual (ARM) | This document defines the C++ Programming Language (ISBN 0-201-51459-1; M.A. Ellis & B. Stroustrup, Addison Wesley, 1990). | Superseded |
C091 | 2009 | ArchiMate® 1.0 Specification | This specification contains the formal definition of ArchiMate as a visual design language with adequate concepts for specifying inter-related architectures, and specific viewpoints for selected stakeholders. This is complemented by some considerations regarding language extension mechanisms, analysis, and methodological support. | Adopted |
C093 | 2009 | SOA Governance Framework | This document describes a framework that provides context and definitions to enable organizations to understand and deploy SOA Governance. It describes SOA Governance; defines an SOA Governance Reference Model (the SGRM) and its constituent parts; and defines the SOA Governance Vitality Method (SGVM), which assists an organization in customizing the SGRM to realize its customized SOA Governance regimen. | Adopted |
C117 | 2011 | The Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM), Version 2 | The Open Group SOA Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM) provides consultants and IT practitioners with a means to assess an organization's Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) maturity level. It defines a process to create a roadmap for incremental adoption which maximizes business benefits at each stage along the way. The model consists of seven levels of maturity and seven dimensions of consideration that represent significant views of business and IT capabilities where the application of SOA principles is essential for the deployment of services. The OSIMM acts as a quantitative model to aid in assessment of current state and desired future state of SOA maturity. | Adopted |
C119 | 2011 | SOA Reference Architecture | This document is The Open Group Standard for SOA Reference Architecture (SOA RA). The SOA RA provides guidelines and options for making architecture, design, and implementation decisions when adopting a service-oriented approach to information technology. Its goal is to be a blueprint for creating or evaluating architecture. Additionally, it provides insights, patterns, and the building blocks for integrating fundamental elements of SOA into an enterprise or solution architecture. | Superseded |
C120 | 2011 | Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure (SOCCI) Framework | This document is The Open Group Standard for the Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure (SOCCI) Framework. This document details the SOCCI elements, the synergies realized through the cohesive application of SOA and cloud-based principles, and the SOCCI Management Building Blocks. It expands upon the relationships between service-orientation and its application to various infrastructure components. Finally, the concepts outlined are explained in the context of a business scenario – Motor Cars in the Cloud. | Adopted |
C123 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Swedish | This document is the English to Swedish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C124 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – German | This document is the English to German Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C126 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Brazilian Portuguese |
This document is the English to Brazilian Portuguese Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. Note: As a result of further translation work, minor edits were made to the translation of “Architecture Principle” and “Architecture” and the PDF file was re-issued (June 25, 2012). |
Adopted |
C127 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – French | This document is the English to French Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C128 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Polish | This document is the English to Polish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C129 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish | This document is the English to Latin American Spanish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C131 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Traditional Chinese | This document is the English to Traditional Chinese Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C132 | 2012 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Simplified Chinese | This document is the English to Simplified Chinese Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C134 | 2014 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish | This document is the English to Latin American Spanish Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C135 | 2013 | The Exploration & Mining Business Reference Model |
This Standard explains the concepts and definitions within the Exploration and Mining Business Reference Model – the first reference model delivered by The Open Group EMMM Forum. This Standard consists of two deliverables:
Adopted |
C136 | 2014 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Brazilian Portuguese | This document is the English to Brazilian Portuguese Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C13A | 2014 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Simplified Chinese | This document is the English to Simplified Chinese Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C13B | 2014 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – French | This document is the English to French Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C13C | 2013 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Czech | This document is the English to Czech Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C13D | 2013 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian | This document is the English to Hungarian Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C13E | 2014 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Traditional Chinese | This document is the English to Traditional Chinese Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C13F | 2013 | Dependability through Assuredness™ (O-DA) Framework |
This standard defines a Framework and guidance for developing an Assured and/or Dependable Architecture. The Framework provides Architects with a conceptual model. This standard should be read by an Architect wishing to develop an Assured and/or Dependable Architecture. The information in this standard can be used stand-alone or with an encompassing Architecture Development Method (ADM), such as the TOGAF® ADM. Integration with the TOGAF standard and extension steps are described in Appendix A. |
Adopted |
C13H | 2013 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Slovak | This document is the English to Slovak Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C13I | 2013 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Italian | This document is the English to Italian Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C13L | 2013 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Specification |
ArchiMate®, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. The ArchiMate Standard provides instruments to enable enterprise architects to describe, analyze, and visualize the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way. This book provides the official specification of ArchiMate 2.1. ArchiMate 2.1 is a maintenance update to ArchiMate 2.0, addressing comments raised since the introduction of ArchiMate 2.0 in 2012. The ArchiMate 2.1 Standard supports modeling throughout the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM). The intended audience is threefold:
Adopted |
C141 | 2014 | The Open Group Cloud Ecosystem Reference Model | This Open Group Standard defines The Open Group Cloud Ecosystem Reference Model and provides guidance on how to apply it with The Open Group TOGAF® and ArchiMate® standards to develop an Enterprise Architecture. | Adopted |
C143 | 2014 | The Exploration & Mining Business Capability Reference Map |
This Standard delivered by The Open Group EMMM Forum provides a definition of the reference set of business capabilities that exists in the exploration and mining organization. It enables the organization to analyze its ability to deliver successful business outcomes based on the reference business capabilities. This Standard consists of two deliverables:
Adopted |
C144 | 2014 | Service-Oriented Architecture Ontology, Version 2.0 | This is The Open Group Standard for Service-Oriented Architecture Ontology, Version 2.0. Its purpose is to contribute to The Open Group mission of Boundaryless Information Flow™, by developing and fostering common understanding of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in order to improve alignment between the business and information technology communities, and facilitate SOA adoption. | Adopted |
C146 | 2014 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Portuguese (Portugal) | This document is the English to Portuguese Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C148 | 2014 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Hrvatski (Croatian) | This document is the English to Croatian Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C149 | 2014 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Castilian Spanish | This document is the English to Castilian Spanish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C151 | 2015 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Norwegian | This document is the English to Norwegian Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C152 | 2015 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Danish | This document is the English to Danish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C153 | 2015 | ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian | This document is the English to Hungarian Translation Glossary for ArchiMate 2.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 2.1 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 2.1 material. | Adopted |
C154 | 2015 | ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format (for the ArchiMate 2.1 Modeling Language) |
The Open Group ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format Standard defines a file format that can be used to exchange data between systems that wish to import and export ArchiMate models. ArchiMate exchange files enable exporting content from one ArchiMate modeling tool or repository and importing it into another while retaining information describing the model in the file and how it is structured, such as a list of model elements and relationships. The Standard focuses on the packaging and transport of ArchiMate models. The Exchange File Format contains model information including:
The deliverables included with this Standard are as follows:
Adopted |
C155 | 2015 | The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.0 | The Open Group IT4IT Reference Architecture is a standard reference architecture and value chain-based operating model for managing the business of IT. It uses a value chain approach to create a model of the functions that IT performs to help organizations identify the activities that contribute to business competitiveness. This value chain framework, called the IT Value Chain and specified in this document as part of the IT4IT Reference Architecture, applies this concept to IT by defining an integrated IT management framework focusing on the lifecycle of services. It identifies the key things that IT must do – and do well. It allows IT to achieve the same level of business predictability and efficiency that supply chain management has allowed for the business, and was designed by practitioners to be industry, product, and vendor-independent. | Adopted |
C162 | 2016 | ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification |
ArchiMate®, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. The ArchiMate Standard provides instruments to enable Enterprise Architects to describe, analyze, and visualize the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way. This is the official specification of the ArchiMate 3.0 modeling language from The Open Group. Version 3.0 is a major update to Version 2.1. The ArchiMate 3.0 Specification supports modeling throughout the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM). New features in Version 3.0 include elements for modeling the enterprise at a strategic level, such as capability, resource, and outcome. It also includes support to model the physical world of materials and equipment. Furthermore, the consistency and structure of the language have been improved, definitions have been aligned with other standards, and its usability has been enhanced in various other ways. The intended audience is threefold:
Adopted |
C164 | 2016 | TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Turkish (Türkçe) | This document is the English to Turkish Translation Glossary for TOGAF 9.1. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to TOGAF 9.1 material. | Adopted |
C171 | 2017 | The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 | The Open Group IT4IT Reference Architecture is a standard reference architecture and value chain-based operating model for managing the business of IT. It uses a value chain approach to create a model of the functions that IT performs to help organizations identify the activities that contribute to business competitiveness. This value chain framework, called the IT Value Chain and specified in this document as part of the IT4IT Reference Architecture, applies this concept to IT by defining an integrated IT management framework focusing on the lifecycle of services. It identifies the key things that IT must do – and do well. It allows IT to achieve the same level of business predictability and efficiency that supply chain management has allowed for the business, and was designed by practitioners to be industry, product, and vendor-independent. | Adopted |
C177 | 2017 | ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Brazilian Portuguese | This document is the English to Brazilian Portuguese Translation Glossary for the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 3.0 material. | Adopted |
C178 | 2017 | ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish | This document is the English to Latin American Spanish Translation Glossary for the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 3.0 material. | Adopted |
C179 | 2017 | ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification |
ArchiMate®, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. The ArchiMate Standard provides instruments to enable Enterprise Architects to describe, analyze, and visualize the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way. This is the official specification of the ArchiMate modeling language from The Open Group. Version 3.0.1 is a minor update from Version 3.0, containing the set of corrections from ArchiMate 3.0 Technical Corrigendum No. 1 (U172). This addresses inconsistencies and errors identified since the publication of Version 3.0 in June 2016. The ArchiMate Specification supports modeling throughout the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM). New features in Version 3 include elements for modeling the enterprise at a strategic level, such as capability, resource, and outcome. It also includes support to model the physical world of materials and equipment. Furthermore, the consistency and structure of the language have been improved, definitions have been aligned with other standards, and its usability has been enhanced in various other ways. The intended audience is threefold:
Adopted |
C17A | 2017 | ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian | This document is the English to Hungarian Translation Glossary for the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The scope of this document is translation of terms in the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification. The objective of this Translation Glossary is to establish a common and unambiguous vocabulary for translation work related to ArchiMate 3.0 material. | Adopted |
C192 | 1991 | COBOL Language | This document provides the X/Open definition of the COBOL Language which is that set of COBOL Language facilities that programmers should follow when using COBOL compilers on conformant systems. The X/Open definition is based on the ISO 1989:1985 Programming Languages – COBOL standard but contains none of the optional modules of standard COBOL. | Adopted |
G063v | 2007 | TOGAF® Version 8.1.1 |
TOGAF is a framework – a detailed method and a set of supporting tools – for developing an Enterprise Architecture, developed by members of The Open Group Architecture Forum ( This 2007 Edition is based on TOGAF Version 8.1 with Technical Corrigendum U065 applied, also known as TOGAF Version 8.1.1. It may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an enterprise architecture for use within that organization (subject to the Conditions of Use). The Open Group Architecture Forum has developed successive versions of TOGAF resulting in TOGAF 8.1.1. In this document, you will find answers to questions such as: What is an architecture framework? What kind of 'architecture' are we talking about? How does my organization benefit from using TOGAF? There are four main parts to the TOGAF document:
Adopted |
G093 | 2009 | SOA Source Book (First Edition) |
The SOA Source Book is a collection of source material for use by enterprise architects working with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The SOA Source Book will help enterprise architects to use SOA effectively. It explains what SOA is, how to evaluate SOA features in business terms, how to model SOA, how to use TOGAF for SOA, and SOA governance. |
Adopted |
G102 | 2011 | SOA Source Book, Current Edition |
The SOA Source Book is a collection of source material for use by enterprise architects working with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The SOA Source Book will help Enterprise Architects to use SOA effectively. It explains what SOA is, how to evaluate SOA features in business terms, how to model SOA, how to use TOGAF® for SOA, and SOA governance. |
Adopted |
G114 | 2011 | Cloud Computing for Business | This authoritative title gives managers reliable and independent guidance that will help to support decisions and actions in this key operational area of Cloud Computing. It is specifically designed for business managers to understand the benefits that can be achieved. Practical and detailed, it will support many operations with a pragmatic approach to getting the best out of Internet-based services. | Adopted |
G116 | 2011 | TOGAF® Version 9.1 |
TOGAF, an Open Group Standard, is a proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by the world's leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is the most prominent and reliable Enterprise Architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among Enterprise Architecture professionals. Enterprise Architecture professionals fluent in the TOGAF standard enjoy greater industry credibility, job effectiveness, and career opportunities. TOGAF helps practitioners avoid being locked into proprietary methods, utilize resources more efficiently and effectively, and realize a greater return on investment. First published in 1995, TOGAF was based on the US Department of Defense Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM). From this sound foundation, The Open Group Architecture Forum has developed successive versions of TOGAF at regular intervals and published them on The Open Group public web site. TOGAF Version 9.1 is a maintenance update to TOGAF 9, addressing comments raised since the introduction of TOGAF 9 in 2009. It retains the major features and structure of TOGAF 9, thereby preserving existing investment in TOGAF, and adds further detail and clarification to what is already proven. The standard is divided into seven parts:
Adopted |
G122 | 2012 | Legacy Evolution to SOA | The Legacy Evolution to SOA (L2SOA) Guide is an addition to Using TOGAF to Define and Govern Service-Oriented Architectures (G113). It leverages the collective experiences of L2SOA practitioners in real projects, and presents legacy evolution best practices and lessons learned that will improve the success of L2SOA implementations. | Adopted |
G135 | 2013 | Cloud Computing Portability and Interoperability | The Guide explains the major portability and interoperability issues that arise when cloud computing is used. It makes recommendations to customers on how best to achieve portability and interoperability when working with current cloud products and services, and it makes recommendations to suppliers and standards bodies on how standards and best practice should evolve to enable greater portability and interoperability in future. | Adopted |
G152 | 2016 | Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture | This document is an Open Group Guide addressing how to integrate considerations of security and risk into an Enterprise Architecture. It provides guidance for security practitioners and Enterprise Architects who need to work with TOGAF, an Open Group Standard, to develop an Enterprise Architecture. | Adopted |
G153 | 2015 | A Guide to the ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format | This document is a guide to the ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format Standard. It is intended to help implementors of the exchange file format standard by providing additional commentary on best practices for implementing the standard. | Adopted |
G160 | 2016 | IT4IT™ for Managing the Business of IT | This IT4IT Management Guide provides guidance on how the IT4IT Reference Architecture can be used within an IT organization to manage the business of IT. It is designed to provide a guide to business managers, CIOs, IT executives, IT professionals, and all individuals involved or interested in how to transition an IT organization to become a Lean and Agile IT service provider. | Adopted |
G161 | 2016 | Business Capabilities | This Guide answers some important questions about what a business capability is and how it is being used to enhance business analysis and planning. | Adopted |
G168 | 2016 | The TOGAF® Leader’s Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability |
This Guide puts forward current thinking on establishing an Enterprise Architecture (EA) Capability that aligns to a set of requirements and expectations specific to each enterprise. It proposes an approach for the standing-up and enhancing of an enterprise’s EA Capability based upon the established best practice contained within TOGAF®, an Open Group standard. This Guide is written directly for the person who is tasked with developing, sustaining, and evolving an EA Capability that delivers what their enterprise needs. |
Adopted |
G170 | 2017 | Value Streams | This Guide addresses how to identify, define, model, and map a value stream to other key components of an enterprise’s Business Architecture. | Adopted |
G174 | 2017 | Using the TOGAF® Framework to Define and Govern Service-Oriented Architectures | This Guide provides guidance on how the architect can use the TOGAF 9.1 standard to develop, manage, and govern Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) or any architecture where SOA is part of the scope. This should facilitate the common understanding of the process for the development of SOAs and greatly improve alignment between the business and information technology communities. | Adopted |
G175 | 2017 | The TOGAF® Technical Reference Model (TRM) | This Guide describes the TOGAF Technical Reference Model (TRM), including the core taxonomy, graphical representation, and the detailed platform taxonomy. | Adopted |
G176 | 2017 | TOGAF® Business Scenarios | This Guide describes the Business Scenarios method, which is a technique to validate, elaborate, and/or change the premise behind an architecture effort by understanding and documenting the key elements of a Business Scenario in successive iterations. | Adopted |
G212 | 1992 | Distributed Computing Services (XDCS) Framework | This Guide describes a comprehensive blueprint for a complete system software environment that will provide for portability and interoperability of distributed applications. The Framework identifies the required services, the relationships between them, the programming interfaces that provide for portability of applications, and the protocols and data formats that provide interoperability between systems that support these services. The Framework represents a broad consensus on the elements in a complete distributed computing environment, including the XPG, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), and the UI-ATLAS Distributed Computing Framework. | Adopted |
G508 | 1996 | Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (XANDF) | The Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (ANDF) is a software porting technology making it possible to develop shrink-wrapped software for open systems, independent of any particular processor architecture. This XANDF Guide is a commentary on the XANDF specification (P527). The aim of this Guide is to explain the various constructions of XANDF, giving examples of usage from the producer and user point of view. It shows how XANDF is used to construct programs on particular platforms using various installers or translators. | Adopted |
ISO_10206 | 1991 | Information Technology - Programming Languages - Extended Pascal | ISO/IEC 10206 specifies the syntax and semantics of the programming language by specifying requirements for a processor and for a conforming program. Includes an alphabetical index. Annexes A to G are for information only. | Adopted |
ISO_14252 | 1996 | Information Technology - Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment (OSE) | ISO/IEC TR 14252 describes the POSIX Open System Environment (POSIX OSE). | Adopted |
ISO_14882 | 1998 | Programming Languages – C++ | This standard defines the C++ programming language, environment, and system software interface. | Withdrawn |
ISO_1539 | 1991 | Information Technology - Programming Languages - Fortran | This standard defines the Fortran programming language. It is technically identical to ANSI Std X3.9-1978 (FORTRAN 77). | Adopted |
ISO_16680 | 2012 | Information Technology - The Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM) | ISO/IEC 16680:2012 is The Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM). | Adopted |
ISO_17788 | 2014 | Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Overview and Vocabulary | ISO/IEC 17788:2014 provides an overview of cloud computing along with a set of terms and definitions. It is a terminology foundation for cloud computing standards. | Adopted |
ISO_17789 | 2014 | Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Reference Architecture | ISO/IEC 17789:2014 specifies the cloud computing reference architecture (CCRA). The reference architecture includes the cloud computing roles, cloud computing activities, and the cloud computing functional components and their relationships. | Adopted |
ISO_17998 | 2012 | Information Technology - SOA Governance Framework | ISO/IEC 17998:2012 describes a framework that provides context and definitions to enable organizations to understand and deploy Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) governance. | Adopted |
ISO_18384-1 | 2016 | Information Technology – Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA RA) – Part 1: Terminology and Concepts for SOA | This standard establishes vocabulary, guidelines, and general technical principles underlying Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), including principles relating to functional design, performance, development, deployment, and management. | Adopted |
ISO_18384-2 | 2016 | Information Technology – Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA RA) – Part 2: Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions | This standard describes a Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions which applies to functional design, performance, development, deployment, and management of SOA Solutions. It includes a domain-independent framework, addressing functional requirements and non-functional requirements, as well as capabilities and best practices to support those requirements. | Adopted |
ISO_18384-3 | 2016 | Information Technology – Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA RA) – Part 3: Service-Oriented Architecture Ontology | This standard defines a formal ontology for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), an architectural style that supports service-orientation. The terms defined in this ontology are key terms from the vocabulary in ISO/IEC 18384-1. | Adopted |
ISO_1989 | 1985 | Programming Languages - COBOL | This standard defines the COBOL programming language, which is technically identical to ANSI Std X3.23-1985. | Adopted |
ISO_1989_Amd1 | 1992 | Programming Languages - COBOL: Amendment 1 | Definition of the COBOL programming language (ANSI X3.23-1985). Amendment 1:1992 to ISO 1989:1985 Intrinsic Function Module. | Adopted |
ISO_1989_Amd2 | 1994 | Programming Languages - COBOL: Amendment 2 | Definition of the COBOL programming language (ANSI X3.23-1985). Amendment 2: 1994 to ISO 1989:1985, correction and clarification amendment. | Adopted |
ISO_42010_2000 | 2000 | Systems and Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems | This recommended practice addresses the activities of the creation, analysis, and sustainment of architectures of software-intensive systems, and the recording of such architectures in terms of architectural descriptions. A conceptual framework for architectural description is established. The content of an architectural description is defined. Annexes provide the rationale for key concepts and terminology, the relationships to other standards, and examples of usage. (Identical to IEEE Std 1471-2000.) | Adopted |
ISO_7185 | 1990 | Information Technology - Programming Languages - Pascal | ISO 7185 defines the Pascal programming language. | Adopted |
ISO_8652 | 1987 | Programming Languages - Ada | This standard defines the Ada programming language. | Superseded |
ISO_8652_1995 | 1995 | Information Technology - Programming Languages - Ada | ISO/IEC 8652 defines the Ada programming language. | Adopted |
ISO_9899_1990 | 1990 | Programming Languages - C | This standard defines the C programming language. It is technically identical to ANSI standard X3.159-1989. Includes ISO/IEC 9899:1990/Amd 1:1995, Multibyte Support Extension (MSE) for ISO C. | Adopted |
ISO_9899_90_tc1 | 1994 | Programming Languages - C | Definition of the C programming language. Technical Corrigendum 1:1994 to ISO/IEC 9899:1990. | Adopted |
JAVA VM | 1997 | Java Virtual Machine Specification | Description of the Java Virtual Machine (VM) Specification (ISBN 0-201-63452-X; T. Lindholm & F. Yellin, Addison Wesley, 1997). | Withdrawn |
JAVA_API-1 | 1996 | Java Application Programming Interface, Volume 1 | One of two volumes describing the Java Application Programming Interface (ISBN 0-201-63453-8; J. Gosling, F. Yellin, & The Java Team, Addison Wesley, 1996). | Adopted |
JAVA_API-2 | 1996 | Java Application Programming Interface, Volume 2 | One of two volumes describing the Java Application Programming Interface (ISBN 0-201-63459-7; J. Gosling, F. Yellin, & The Java Team, Addison Wesley, 1996). | Adopted |
JAVA_API_1.1.5 | 1997 | Java Platform Core API | The kit consists of 22 Java API packages which form the definitive documentation for JDK 1.1. | Adopted |
JAVA_VM_1.0.2 | 1997 | Java Virtual Machine Specification Version 1.0.2 | Description of the Java Virtual Machine (VM) Specification (ISBN 0-201-63452-X; T. Lindholm & F. Yellin, Addison Wesley, 1997). | Adopted |
TOGAF 6 | 2000 | TOGAF® Version 6 | Describes a framework for developing Enterprise Architectures based on open standards, comprising an Architecture Development Method (ADM), a generic Foundation Architecture, and a Resource Base. Provides guidance to architects, and management responsible for IT governance, in customer, integrator, service, and vendor organizations, in developing Enterprise Architectures that will meet their business requirements. | Adopted |
TOGAF 7 | 2001 | TOGAF® Version 7 | TOGAF 7 is a framework – a detailed method and a set of supporting tools – for developing an IT architecture. It is described in a document published by The Open Group on its public web server, and may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an information systems architecture for use within that organization. | Adopted |
TOGAF 8 | 2002 | TOGAF® Version 8 | TOGAF Version 8 Enterprise Edition (TOGAF 8 for short) is a detailed method and set of supporting resources for developing an Enterprise Architecture. Developed and endorsed by the membership of The Open Group Architecture Forum, TOGAF 8 represents an industry consensus framework and method for Enterprise Architecture that is available for use internally by any organization around the world – members and non-members of The Open Group alike – subject to license conditions. | Superseded |
X04TB | 2004 | TOGAF 8 Tool Support | This Product Standard defines core requirements for tools that support the development of Enterprise Architectures using TOGAF Version 8.1. | Adopted |
X04TC | 2004 | TOGAF 8 Professional Services | This Product Standard is for professional services offered in support of TOGAF Version 8.1, to ensure that organizations offering such services abide by an approved Code of Practice, and use only properly trained architects for such services. | Adopted |
X053 | 2011 | Open CA: Accreditation Policy | The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Program (formerly ITAC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective practice of IT architecture. This document sets out the policies and processes by which an organization may achieve accreditation. | Adopted |
X054 | 2011 | Open CA: Accreditation Requirements | The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Program (formerly ITAC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective practice of IT architecture. This document sets out the criteria that must be met by an Accredited Certification Program (ACP). | Adopted |
X05TA | 2005 | TOGAF 8 Certified | This Product Standard defines the core requirements for knowledge and awareness of TOGAF Version 8.1 that IT architecture practitioners should have in order to be able to use TOGAF Version 8.1 effectively in developing IT architectures. It is the foundation Product Standard for other TOGAF 8 Product Standards, and is required for architects delivering certified TOGAF 8 Training courses and certified TOGAF 8 Professional Services. | Adopted |
X05TD | 2005 | TOGAF 8 Training | This Product Standard defines core requirements for training courses that enable IT architecture practitioners to acquire the necessary knowledge and awareness of TOGAF Version 8.1 to be able to use it effectively in IT Architecture work. | Adopted |
X071 | 2012 | Open CA: Certification Policy |
The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Program (formerly ITAC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective practice of IT architecture. This document sets out the policies and processes by which an IT Architect may achieve certification. This version contains minor editorial updates to align with the Business Architecture Stream. |
Adopted |
X073 | 2011 | Open CITS: Certification Policy | The Open Group Certified IT Specialist (Open CITS) Program (formerly ITSC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions. The Program is skills and experience-based and goes beyond validating the mastery of any specific knowledge base. This document sets out the policies and processes by which an IT Specialist may achieve certification. | Adopted |
X075 | 2011 | Open CITS: Accreditation Policy | The Open Group Certified IT Specialist (Open CITS) Program (formerly ITSC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions. The Program is skills and experience-based and goes beyond validating the mastery of any specific knowledge base. This document sets out the policies and processes by which an Organization may achieve accreditation. | Adopted |
X076 | 2011 | Open CITS: Accreditation Requirements | The Open Group Certified IT Specialist (Open CITS) Program (formerly ITSC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions. The Program is skills and experience-based and goes beyond validating the mastery of any specific knowledge base. This document defines the criteria that must be met by an Accredited Certification Program. | Adopted |
X084 | 2012 | Open CITS: Conformance Requirements | The Open Group Certified IT Specialist (Open CITS) Program is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions. The Program is skills and experience-based and goes beyond validating the mastery of any specific knowledge base. This document defines the skills and experience that a Certified IT Specialist must possess. | Adopted |
X111 | 2011 | TOGAF® Certification for People: Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level), Version 2.0 |
The Open Group Certification for People: TOGAF Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the TOGAF Version 9 Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. Version 2 is an update to align with the TOGAF Version 9.1 standard. For more detail refer to the TOGAF 9 Certification program. |
Adopted |
X115 | 2014 | The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate® Conformance Requirements, Version 2.1 |
The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ArchiMate 2 Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. |
Adopted |
X116 | 2012 | ArchiMate® Tool Certification: Conformance Requirements, Version 2.0 |
The Open Group ArchiMate Tool Certification Program makes certification available to tools supporting ArchiMate. The goal of the Program is to ensure that architecture artifacts created with a certified tool are conformant to the language, in order to avoid dilution of the standard. The Conformance Requirements documents the requirements a tool must meet to achieve certification. This document also recommends a set of optional capabilities for consideration by tool designers. |
Adopted |
X117 | 2012 | Architecture Tool Certification: Certification Policy, Version 1.0 |
This document defines the policies that govern the operation of the Architecture Tool certification programs currently covering TOGAF® 9 and subsequent versions, and ArchiMate® Version 1.0 and subsequent versions. These policies define what can be certified, what it means to be certified, and the process for achieving and maintaining certification. These policies also define the obligations on product suppliers, including a requirement for the Supplier to warrant and represent that the product meets the applicable Conformance Requirements, which include conformance to the applicable TOGAF 9 or ArchiMate specification(s) as applicable and as interpreted by The Open Group from time to time. |
Adopted |
X1312 | 2014 | The Open Group Certification for People: Training Course Accreditation Policy |
This document sets out the policies and processes by which a training course may achieve accreditation. It is an integral part of each Certification for People Program of The Open Group. Training courses eligible for accreditation are those courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of a Standard covered by the Program in order for the person to achieve certification. |
Adopted |
X1313 | 2014 | The Open Group Certification for People: Training Course Accreditation Requirements |
This document defines the requirements that must be met by a training course and the provider of such training course in order for the training course to become and remain accredited. This document is an integral part of each Certification for People Program of The Open Group. |
Adopted |
X1401 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: TOGAF® Program Configuration | The Open Group Certification for People: TOGAF Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge covered by the Program. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. | Adopted |
X1411 | 2014 | Open CA: Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) |
The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Program (formerly ITAC) is designed to validate the existence of those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective practice of IT architecture. This document sets out the skills and experience that a Certified Architect must possess. This document combines the Conformance Requirements for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. |
Adopted |
X1601 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT™ Program Configuration | The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge covered by the Program. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. | Adopted |
X1602 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements (Level 1) |
The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the IT4IT Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. |
Adopted |
X1603 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: Certification Policy for Examination-Based Programs |
The Open Group Certification for People: Certification Policy for Examination-Based Programs sets out the policies and processes by which a person may achieve certification and is an integral part of each Certification for People Program of The Open Group. These Programs award certification to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of an Open Group Body of Knowledge by passing one or more examinations. This Certification Policy is intended to be used in conjunction with the Program Configuration document of the particular Program:
Adopted |
X1605 | 2016 | The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Program: Conformance Requirements Level 1 and Level 2 |
This document defines the requirements for The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) certification program (the Program) and may also be used as the foundation of an Architect profession framework. These Conformance Requirements define those qualities and skills in a professional that enable the effective practice of Enterprise, Business, and IT Architecture. The requirements are skills and experience-based and do not define or require any specific knowledge base. Please note that certification to this version of the Conformance Requirements is not yet available. |
Adopted |
X1609 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate® Program Configuration |
The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge covered by the Program. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document lists the Body of Knowledge, available certifications, conformance requirements, and general program elements for the certification program. |
Adopted |
X1610 | 2016 | The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate® 3 Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) |
The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ArchiMate 3 Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. |
Adopted |
X1701 | 2017 | The Open Group Architecture Tool Certification: ArchiMate® 3 Conformance Requirements | The Open Group Architecture Tool Certification Program includes certification for tools supporting the ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification, an Open Group Standard, and later minor updates to the Specification. The certification process for tools supporting the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification assesses whether the tool implements the ArchiMate language correctly. | Adopted |
X1702 | 2017 | The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements (Level 1) |
The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the IT4IT Body of Knowledge. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. This document defines the requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the learning requirements for Accredited Training Courses. This version of the document is aligned to the IT4IT Reference Architecture, Version 2.1. |
Adopted |
System and Network Management Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
1387.2 | 1995 | IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) System Administration - Part 2: Software Administration | This standard is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines a software packaging layout, a set of information maintained about software, and a set of utility programs to manipulate that software and information. | Adopted |
ANSI-IEEE-754 | 1985 | IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic | ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985 defines a family of commercially feasible ways for new systems to perform binary floating-point arithmetic. | Adopted |
C014 | 2001 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 3.0 (Java Binding) | The Application Response Measurement (ARM) API defines function calls which can be used to instrument an application or other software for transaction monitoring. It provides a way to monitor business transactions, by embedding simple cells in the software which can be captured by an agent supporting the ARM API. The calls are used to capture data that allows software to be monitored for availability, service levels, and capacity. The API can be used by programmers who want to collect performance information by instrumenting the business logic of their applications, or on other software in their domain, where there is ready access to the source code of the business logic on the systems involved. Collection of ARM-related data from the software components which surround the business logic may be possible using this ARM API. Applications (and other components) must normally be running within the reach of the enterprise management domain in order to allow for collection and presentation of performance data from agents. This Issue of the ARM Technical Specification defines a Java API, suitable for instrumenting Java applications and applets. | Adopted |
C041 | 2004 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.0 V2 (C Binding) | This document defines the C Binding for Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.0 Version 2. ARM is a standard for measuring service levels of single-system and distributed applications. ARM measures the availability and performance of transactions, both visible to the users of the business application and those visible only within the IT infrastructure. | Adopted |
C042 | 2004 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.0 V2 (Java Binding) | This document defines the Java Binding for Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.0 Version 2. ARM is a standard for measuring service levels of single-system and distributed applications. ARM measures the availability and performance of transactions, both visible to the users of the business application and those visible only within the IT infrastructure. | Adopted |
C071 | 2007 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.1 V1 (C Binding) | This document defines the C Binding for Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.1 Version 1. ARM is a standard for measuring service levels of single-system and distributed applications. ARM measures the availability and performance of transactions, both visible to the users of the business application and those visible only within the IT infrastructure. | Adopted |
C072 | 2007 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.1 V1 (Java Binding) | This document defines the Java Binding for Application Response Measurement (ARM) Issue 4.1 Version 1. ARM is a standard for measuring service levels of single-system and distributed applications. ARM measures the availability and performance of transactions, both visible to the users of the business application and those visible only within the IT infrastructure. | Adopted |
C161 | 2016 | Systems Management: Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI), Issue 2, Version 1 | The Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI) Technical Standard defines an ISO C-based programming interface to be used by management servers and their resource-specific extensions. It is targeted at use with WBEM-based management servers and also with management servers based on other concepts (e.g., Resource Management and Control (RMC) of the IBM AIX operating system). | Adopted |
C206 | 1993 | Management Protocol Profiles (XMPP) | One of the important requirements to achieve interoperability between conformant systems is the definition of a common communications protocol. There are several appropriate communications mechanisms for management systems: OSI Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP); Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP); and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanisms. This document addresses communications using the CMIP and SNMP management protocols. RPC-based mechanisms will be addressed in future documents. | Adopted |
C306 | 1994 | Systems Management: Management Protocols API (XMP) | This document defines an application programming interface (API) for providing access to management information services which are abstracted in terms of notifications and operations on managed objects. It uses the systems management concepts defined by ISO. The interface provides access to the Internet Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the OSI Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) to transfer information between systems. The XMP API is designed to be used and implemented with the associated X/Open OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation API (XOM), Issue 2 (C315). It also forms part of the Network Management Forum's OMNIPoint initiative. For those who use the XMP API to define or implement management information models, the associated GDMO to XOM Translation Algorithm Specification (P319) complements the XMP API, by defining an automated way to develop OM-format content-specific packages from ISO GDMO (Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects) format. | Adopted |
C315 | 1994 | OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation API (XOM), Issue 2 | This document defines the application programming interface (API) for management of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) objects. This interface is needed by other APIs specific to particular OSI services. Currently, these include the X/Open APIs to Directory Services (XDS), Electronic Mail (X.400) and Systems Management Protocols (XMP). Issue 2 includes revisions to align with the IEEE OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation group of standards that are based on the previous version of this specification. All new implementation work by API providers should follow Issue 3. XOM is one of several specifications that X/Open originally developed in collaboration with the X.400 API Association. | Adopted |
C423 | 1997 | Systems Management: Common Management Facilities (XCMF) | This document describes how standards-based, open system administration applications can use common management services to facilitate development of applications which significantly decrease the effort required to administer distributed systems. It is based on an industry-standard object request broker (implementations of CORBA 1.2) and Object Service Specifications. It defines a set of management facilities that are key to ensuring that system management applications and objects spanning multiple vendors' framework implementations may be defined and built. This allows management-specific interfaces to be common across different environments, so enabling development of heterogeneous, interoperable applications. | Adopted |
C425 | 1998 | Systems Management: Backup Services API (XBSA) | This document first presents an architecture for management and client applications which use the services of underlying backup services software. It then specifies a Backup Services API consisting of source procedure calls, structures, and return codes, which is used by these management and client applications. A subset of this API, called the Data Movement API, is identified for those applications or facilities not requiring full management services of the XBSA, but instead focuses on data movement. This specification includes background information of particular value to end users and vendors, on the use of this API, on an example mapping of XBSA to an existing interface, and on the wider issues involved in considering backup, archive, and restore requirements. | Adopted |
C427 | 1997 | Systems Management: Universal Measurement Architecture (UMA) | The Universal Measurement Architecture (UMA) defines a system for collecting and managing performance data in a distributed open systems environment. It comprises four layers, two interfaces (MLI and DCI), and a data pool, each of which is described in a separate part of this specification. The UMA Guide (Part 1) includes a review of the issues surrounding performance measurement in open systems. The Measurement Layer Interface (MLI) (Part 2) defines the UMA MLI as well as the format for UMA measurement data captured through the Data Capture Interface (DCI). The UMA DCI (Part 3) covers the collection and delivery of performance measurement data. The Data Pool Definitions (Part 4) specifies an extensible data set, sufficient to enable analysis and management of the performance of computer systems. It also defines an organization to facilitate the collection and use of such data. | Adopted |
C429 | 1997 | Systems Management: Data Storage Management (XDSM) API | To adequately support data management applications, a file system and its host operating system must include a set of functions and semantics, not found in most POSIX-compliant systems, which include a capability to monitor events on files and to manage and maintain the data in a file. The Data Storage Management (XDSM) specification provides this capability. It defines APIs which use events to notify Data Management (DM) applications about operations on files, enable DM applications to store arbitrary attribute information with a file, support managed regions within a file, and use DM API access rights to control access to a file object. Typically these capabilities are seen as logical extensions of the operating system, requiring special permissions to operate. The interfaces and data structures described in this specification are designed for use in data management applications such as file backup and recovery, file migration, and file replication, and are not intended for direct use by typical end-user or unprivileged processes. | Adopted |
C430 | 1997 | Distributed Software Administration: DCE Interoperability | This specification defines the necessary additions to the IEEE POSIX P1387.2 standard for Software Administration, to provide interoperability between POSIX 1387.2 implementations in a distributed environment. The POSIX standard does not address interoperability, so this specification defines how to achieve this using DCE RPC technology to provide the necessary mechanism by which the various distributed software administration roles can communicate and transfer data. | Adopted |
C502 | 1995 | Systems Management: GDMO to XOM Translation Algorithm | This specification defines a single API to support management communication offered by the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Common Management Information Service (CMIS) and the Internet Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), in two integrally related specifications: Systems Management: Management Protocol API (XMP) (C306); and OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation API (XOM) (C315). This GDMO to XOM specification complements these by specifying an algorithm for deriving content-specific OM-format contents packages from the ISO GDMO (Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects) template format. For those who use the XMP API to define or implement management information models, this algorithm automates development of OM-format content-specific packages, assuring consistent results across different information models. | Adopted |
C701 | 1998 | Systems Management: Distributed Software Administration (XDSA) | This specification is based on the IEEE 1387.2 Software Administration standard and establishes industry-wide acceptance of an approach to software administration in both stand-alone and distributed environments. XDSA defines a software packaging layout, a set of information maintained about software, and a set of utility programs to manipulate that software and information. It extends the IEEE standard by adding significant functionality to deliver enhanced update and patch facilities. Like the IEEE standard, XDSA specifies distributed operations without specifying the mechanism for how it is to be achieved. The Open Group has published a specification defining interoperability for XDSA which uses the DCE RPC mechanism (C430). | Adopted |
C802 | 2000 | Inter-Domain Management: Specification & Interaction Translation | The JIDM Specification Translation and JIDM Interactive Translation Technical Standards have been adopted by the Object Management Group. These two Joint Inter-Domain Management (JIDM) standards provide tools that enable interworking between management systems based on different technologies, notably OSI management, SNMP, and OMG CORBA-based management frameworks. In addition, these tools permit technology from one domain to be used in other domains. These standards define how to map between the relevant object models in each domain, and how to build on this to provide mechanisms to handle protocol and behavior conversions of the domain boundaries. Interworking between a particular pair of management reference models requires both a translation scheme between the different object models of both management reference models (Specification Translation), and a dynamic conversion mechanism between the protocols and behaviors in both domains (Interaction Translation). This then allows objects in one domain to be represented in the other domain, and the interactions can be governed by the domain of choice rather than by the domain in which the target object is implemented. | Adopted |
C806 | 1999 | Software License Use Management (XSLM) | Comprehensive management facilities are increasingly needed to handle software licensing. Escalating software costs, the high administrative burden of license compliance control, the lack of effective customer control over their employees' use of licensed software, and asset protection are key business issues. XSLM provides an interoperable solution for monitoring the use of licensed software products in a business. It accommodates diverse license management schemes and license certificate formats, in different operating environments. It does this through use of a centralized software license use management system. This enables a supplier to ship a single product that will operate under any license use management scheme that a customer may elect to install. | Adopted |
C807 | 1998 | Application Response Measurement (ARM) | The Application Response Measurement (ARM) API defines function calls which can be used to instrument an application or other software for transaction monitoring. It provides a way to monitor business transactions, by embedding simple cells in the software which can be captured by an agent supporting the ARM API. The calls are used to capture data that allows software to be monitored for availability, service levels, and capacity. The API can be used by programmers who want to collect performance information by instrumenting the business logic of their applications, or on other software in their domain, where there is ready access to the source code of the business logic on the systems involved. Collection of ARM-related data from the software components which surround the business logic may be possible using this ARM API. Applications (and other components) must normally be running within the reach of the enterprise management domain in order to allow for collection and presentation of performance data from agents. | Adopted |
C910 | 1999 | Application Instrumentation & Control API (AIC), Version 1.0 | The Application Instrumentation & Control (AIC) API delivers real-time information on the progress of work through a business application program. It supplies the information in a form that enables business managers to identify any problems with processes not completing correctly within the expected time, and also to take the necessary actions to overcome any problems that are detected. A mission-critical application can be instrumented with AIC very quickly and without requiring expert knowledge of the software, so the impact of adding it into an existing business application is reduced to a minimum. | Adopted |
CIM_2.0 | 1998 | CIM 2.0 Schema |
The DMTF CIM 2.0 Schema describes the characteristics of various fundamental resources using the language and structure defined in the Systems Management: Common Information Model (CIM). It consists of several MOF files published as separate parts as follows:
Adopted |
G045 | 2004 | SLA Management Handbook | This document addresses the enterprise issues in the provision of end-to-end Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and is a collaboration between The Open Group, representing the enterprise, and TeleManagement Forum, addressing the service provider markets. It is published as the final volume of a four-volume set. The first three volumes are published by TeleManagement Forum, and this document maintains a consistent typographical style with the other volumes in the set. This work was further inspired by survey data gathered on behalf of The Open Group by Sage Research which indicated great interest in SLAs in the enterprise, but a large gap between where enterprises are considering SLAs and where standards bodies, such as the IETF, are currently concentrating their efforts. This work uses the concept of Key Quality and Performance Indicators (KQI/KPI) developed by TM Forum's Wireless Services Measurement Handbook (GB 923). The importance of the KQI/KPI concept is that it allows the provider of the service to concentrate on the quality rather than the performance of a service, as in the past. The mapping between the KQI and KPI forms an important part of the SLA negotiation. | Adopted |
G207 | 1993 | Systems Management: Reference Model | This guide is one of several documents within The Open Group Systems Management program, the primary aim of which is to promote development of management software that allows an administrator of a distributed system to manage a network of heterogeneous systems as a single logical system. This guide provides an architectural overview of the Systems Management model, and identifies the various components of the model. It employs object-oriented techniques. This is a high-level model which encompasses both OMG-compliant object-oriented technology and the OSI Network Management standards. It discusses the general properties of their interfaces and their means of interaction, and indicates an approach for coexistence of both models. | Adopted |
G211 | 1992 | ISO and Internet Management: Coexistence and Interworking | This document, which was developed in collaboration with the Network Management Forum (NMF), addresses the issues associated with the need to use both the OSI and Internet management protocols, CMIP and SNMP, within the same environment. It investigates the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two protocols, and offers advice on how they may be used together in a single management system. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_15 | 1990 | A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) | RFC 1157 describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) architecture – object types and request/response data units. | Withdrawn |
INTERNET_STD_16 | 1990 | Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets | This Internet Standard consists of two RFCs – 1155 (SMI) and 1212 (MIB). It contains common definitions for the structure and identification of management information for TCP/IP-based Internets. | Adopted |
INTERNET_STD_17 | 1991 | Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets | Defines the second version of the Management Information Base (MIB-II) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based Internets. Consists of RFC 1213 (MIB-II). | Adopted |
ISO_10175 | 1996 | Information Technology - Text and Office Systems - Document Printing Application (DPA) - Part 1: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures | ISO/IEC 10175-1 defines the Document Printing Application (DPA) abstract service, procedures, and protocol specification. | Adopted |
ISO_9595 | 1998 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common Management Information Service | ISO/IEC 9595 defines the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network management standard for Common Management Information Services (CMIS). | Adopted |
ISO_9596 | 1998 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common Management Information Protocol - Part 1: Specification | ISO/IEC 9596-1 defines the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). | Adopted |
RFC_1157 | 1990 | A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) | This RFC defines a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) – a simple protocol by which management information for a network element may be inspected or altered by logically remote users. | Adopted |
RFC_1212 | 1991 | Concise MIB Definitions | This RFC defines a format for producing concise, yet descriptive, Management Information Base (MIB) modules. It is intended that all future MIB modules be written in this format. | Adopted |
X98AD | 1998 | Software Administration | This Product Standard defines a standard set of facilities for the administration of software across distributed systems. | Adopted |
Transaction Processing Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C012 | 2001 | Nostro Account Access | This document describes the XML formats, conventions, and semantics assumed in passing messages between a Nostro client (Bank holding a Nostro account) and a Nostro agent (Correspondent Bank managing the Nostro account on behalf of the client), that allow the client to receive information relating to the current transactions that have been entered into that Nostro account. | Adopted |
C193 | 1992 | Distributed TP: The XA Specification | In recognition of the growing requirement for Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP), The Open Group defined a model for DTP. This model envisions three software components in a DTP system and this specification defines the interface between two of them, the transaction manager and local resource manager. An XA+ Specification, Version 2 (S423) is a superset of XA which includes the communications resource manager. We recommend that both documents be examined and compared. | Adopted |
C409 | 1995 | ACSE/Presentation: Transaction Processing API (XAP-TP) | This specification defines the X/Open ACSE/Presentation (XAP) programming interface Transaction Processing extension (XAP-TP). X/Open has already defined an ACSE/Presentation (XAP) programming interface (C303) which provides for access to the ISO OSI protocol stack at the upper two layers (Association Control Service Element and Presentation) of the OSI 7-layer model. The XAP-TP extension to XAP provides a programming interface to the OSI Transaction Processing facilities, which support X/Open's interface specifications for TP applications (Peer-to-Peer, XATMI, TxRPC). In addition, the programming interface is at a level which enables existing Transaction Monitors and applications to have access to OSI TP for interworking with new applications, thereby enabling users to retain their considerable investment in existing TP applications while they develop new conformant ones. | Adopted |
C419 | 1995 | Distributed TP: The XCPI-C Specification, Version 2 | This document defines the Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C), which is an Application Program Interface (API) to a Communications Resource Manager (CRM). It provides a cross-system-consistent and easy-to-use programming interface for applications that require program-to-program communication. This document is intended for programmers who want to write applications that adhere to this definition, as well as for developers interested in implementing CPI Communications. | Adopted |
C504 | 1995 | Distributed TP: The TX (Transaction Demarcation) Specification | This document defines the TX interface, the application program interface (API) by which the application program calls the Transaction Manager to demarcate global transactions and direct their completion. The Open Group is developing other interfaces for distributed transaction processing; see the Distributed Transaction Processing Reference Model, Version 2 (G307) for an overview of the complete set. | Adopted |
C505 | 1995 | Distributed TP: The TxRPC Specification | This document defines the TxRPC interface, which is the interface between an application program and a Communications Resource Manager (CRM) that uses transactional remote procedure calls. This document covers the application programming interface (API); it also defines the Remote Task Invocation (RTI) Service Definition and Protocol Specification, which together form the Application Service Element (ASE). | Adopted |
C506 | 1995 | Distributed TP: The XATMI Specification | This specification defines the XATMI interface, which is the interface between an application program and a Communications Resource Manager (CRM) that uses a client/server paradigm. This document covers the Application Programming Interface (API) and the Application Service Element (ASE). For the API, both C and COBOL bindings are supplied. For the ASE, there are mappings to and from OSI TP services. | Adopted |
C611 | 1996 | Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL) | STDL is a high-level language for developing portable and modular transaction processing applications in a multi-vendor environment. Applications created in STDL execute procedures written in STDL and C or COBOL with embedded SQL. This document contains an informative introduction to STDL, a description of the syntax and semantics of STDL, a description of the environment in which STDL programs execute, state tables that model STDL execution, and mapping of STDL to the TxRPC and DCE RPC protocols. | Adopted |
G504 | 1996 | Distributed Transaction Processing: Reference Model, Version 3 | This document provides a functional description of the Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) model, a software architecture that allows multiple application programs to share resources provided by multiple Resource Managers, and allows their work to be coordinated intoglobal transactions. It describes the use of the DTP model within the Common Applications Environment (CAE) and is a prerequisite to other Open Group documents that address DTP. This document has been updated to take account of CPI-C, Version 2 (C419) and the introduction of the X/Open High-level Transaction Language (HTL) (see Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL), C611). | Adopted |
ISO_10026-1 | 1992 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OSI TP Model | This standard defines Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) services and protocols for transaction-mode communications in an OSI environment. | Adopted |
ISO_9804 | 1994 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Service Definition for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element | This standard defines the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Commitment, Control, and Recovery (CCR) services and protocol. | Adopted |
ISO_9805-1 | 1994 | Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element: Protocol Specification | This standard defines the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol for the Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery (CCR) service element. | Adopted |
X98MC | 1998 | CPI-C | This Product Standard provides a programming interface to allow the construction of portable applications that communicate with systems implementing SNA Logical Unit type 6.2 (LU 6.2). | Adopted |
User Interface Services
Reference | Year | Title | Summary | SIB Status |
C094 | 2009 | X/Open Curses, Issue 7 |
The CURSES functions provide a terminal-independent method of updating character screens. A comprehensive API lets the application perform terminal operations: overall screen, window and pad manipulation, output to windows and pads; reading terminal input; control over terminal and CURSES input and output options; environment query functions; color manipulation; use of soft label keys; terminfo access; and access to low-level CURSES functions. Issue 7 aligns with The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 7 (C082). It contains corrections and clarifications which have been suggested by industry feedback and includes new utilities. |
Adopted |
C320 | 1995 | Motif Toolkit API |
This specification defines high-level graphical interfaces for use by X Window System Application Programs in the Common Desktop Environment (XCDE). These interfaces are used to give XCDE applications their individual style. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: UNIX 98 Workstation, Common Desktop Environment (CDE), Motif Toolkit. |
Adopted |
C321 | 1995 | Calendaring and Scheduling API (XCS) |
This specification defines an application programming interface (API) to calendaring and scheduling services. The API enables application program developers to integrate calendaring and scheduling into their applications. This specification is one of a family forming the Common Desktop Environment (XCDE). This API can also be implemented and used in environments other than XCDE.
Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: UNIX 98 Workstation, Common Desktop Environment (CDE), Calendaring & Scheduling. |
Adopted |
C323 | 1995 | XCDE Services and Applications | This document is the companion of XCDE Definitions and Infrastructure (C324). It defines the services and applications in the X/Open Common Desktop Environment (XCDE). | Adopted |
C324 | 1995 | XCDE Definitions and Infrastructure | This document is mutually dependent upon XCDE Services and Applications (C323). It provides the common definitions and infrastructure for the Common Desktop Environment. | Adopted |
C507 | 1995 | Window Management (X11R5): X Window System Protocol |
This document contains a description and definition of the X Protocol. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: Common Desktop Environment (CDE), X Window System Appln. Interface V2. |
Adopted |
C508 | 1995 | Window Management (X11R5): Xlib – C Language Binding |
This specification defines the programmatic interface to the X Window core protocol; it does not attempt to define the format and semantics of the protocol itself. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: UNIX 98 Workstation, Common Desktop Environment (CDE), X Window System Appln. Interface V2. |
Adopted |
C509 | 1995 | Window Management (X11R5): X Toolkit Intrinsics |
This specification contains a description of X Toolkit functions and their use. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: UNIX 98 Workstation, Common Desktop Environment (CDE), X Window System Appln. Interface V2. |
Adopted |
C510 | 1995 | Window Management (X11R5): File Formats & Appl. Conventions |
This specification covers the various formats and conventions for application cooperation and communication. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this Specification: Common Desktop Environment (CDE), X Window System Appln. Interface V2. |
Adopted |
C610 | 1996 | X/Open Curses, Issue 4, Version 2 |
The CURSES functions provide a terminal-independent method of updating character screens. A comprehensive API lets the application perform terminal operations: overall screen, window and pad manipulation, output to windows and pads; reading terminal input; control over terminal and CURSES input and output options; environment query functions; color manipulation; use of soft label keys; terminfo access; and access to low-level CURSES functions. This document, Version 2, supersedes X/Open Curses, Issue 4 (C437) and contains corrections and clarifications which have been suggested by industry feedback. In particular many of the functional prototypes have been corrected, and color handling has been further clarified. Registered Products (Product Standards) conforming to this specification: UNIX 98, UNIX 98 Workstation, UNIX 95, Int. Terminal Interfaces. |
Superseded |
C903 | 1999 | X Window System (X11R6): Protocol | This Technical Standard is one of a set of Technical Standards defining the X Window System. This document specifies the X Protocol for X11R6.4 and subsequent releases of the X Window System. | Adopted |
COE_UI | 1999 | COE User Interface Specifications, Version 4.0 | This document defines the Common Operating Environment (COE) User Interface Specifications, Version 4.0, document reference CM 27986. | Adopted |
GNOME | 2002 | GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, Version 1.0 |
These guidelines are intended to help you write applications that are easy to use and consistent with the GNOME desktop. This document is written for interface designers, graphic artists, and software developers who will be creating software for the GNOME environment. |
Adopted |
X98DS | 1998 | Calendaring and Scheduling | This Product Standard provides a high-level calendaring and scheduling API that can be supported by these services. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UA | 1998 | X Window System Application Interface | This Product Standard provides X Window System user interface services to applications via a programmatic interface. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UB | 1998 | X Window System Application Interface V2 | This Product Standard provides X Window System user interface services to applications via a programmatic interface. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UC | 1998 | Motif Toolkit | This Product Standard provides APIs equivalent to those of Motif Release 1.2 to a Graphical User Interface toolkit supported by an underlying X Window System at X11 Release 5 level. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UD | 1998 | X Window System Display | This Product Standard provides user interface display services for multiple client applications on a network of processors. It is aligned with X11 Release 4 and X11 Release 5 of the X Window System. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UT | 1998 | Terminal Interfaces | This Product Standard provides applications with simple screen management facilities for character-oriented terminals. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98UU | 1998 | Internationalized Terminal Interfaces | This Product Standard provides applications with window-oriented screen management facilities for character-oriented terminals, and includes support for internationalization and color terminals. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |
X98XD | 1998 | Common Desktop Environment | This Product Standard defines the X/Open Common Desktop Environment, a common graphical user interface environment for use on systems supporting the X Window System. For more detail, refer to the Summary of this Product Standard. | Adopted |