The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2
This is an achievement badge issued By The Open Group. It shows the badge earner has up-to-date knowledge of the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2.
The badge earner has attended accredited training and demonstrated knowledge and understanding, including analysis and application, of the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2.
There are mutiple paths to earn this badge:
- (1) the earner has earned the TOGAF 9 Certified badge and has updated their knowledge of the changes introduced in 9.2 by earning the TOGAF Essentials 2018 badge (*)
- or (2) the earner has earned the TOGAF 9 Certified badge and has completed an accredited training course for the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 (**)
- or (3) the earner has earned the TOGAF 9 Certified badge after November 1, 2019 (**)

(*) Badges are issued weekly
(**) Badges are issued daily upon completion of certification.
Open Badges allow the earner to add the badge to their social media profiles, and also to print out certificates from their Credly account.
Please note that individuals need to opt-in to The Open Group Open Badges program to receive their digital badges, see here.